Chapter Twelve

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Douglas' head bobbed slightly as he felt the air escape through his fingers, arm extended only half way out the passenger side window of the maroon colored vehicle. His eyes were hidden behind tinted aviators, his usual glasses sitting comfortably in his pocket while Eric drove them down the highway. The song changed from an upbeat tune accompanied by Freddie Mercury's voice to a soft melody and he leaned his head back against the seat, humming along for a few seconds before speaking.

"My mom likes this song, it's one of her favorites."

"My mom likes it too, she likes Blackbird better though. Her favorite album is Abbey Road though," the other added, grabbing the cassette tape case and handing it off.

Without missing a beat, Douglas grabbed it and squinted to read the small handwriting. In bold letters on one side was his name, etched in Eric's handwriting, while the other side had a small piece of paper taped to it with all of the song titles. It was made and given to him on his birthday, and currently, it was his favorite thing to pop into the stereo when he was at his boyfriend's house.

"You still haven't read the list yet? C'mon man, I spent the whole night making that for you and it's been like three weeks since your birthday."

"I've been stuck on the first few songs."

"Do me a solid and listen to the rest of the tape."

The older of the two rolled his eyes and skipped to the next song, still trying to read the titles off without having to switch to his regular glasses.

"Hey Jude, Somebody To Love, Imagine, The Chain, Mean Mr. Mustard, Dreams, I know you really like Landslide too, Say You Love Me, Let It Be, Get Back, I put We Will Rock You on there too, uh...Killer Queen, Penny Lane,"

When he finally tore his eyes away from the road, he saw Douglas staring at him. Staring was the wrong word, Douglas was admiring him. There was a hint of a smile on his face, only growing more apparent when he was caught.


They both chuckled and Eric listed off what songs he hadn't gotten to, turning up the music to drown out his own voice when another Queen song came on.

"No time for losers, cause we are the champions-"

He looked over at his counterpart expectantly, grinning vibrantly.

"Come on, don't leave me hangin'!"

"Of the world!"

Victoriously, Eric whooped and slapped the steering wheel, practically dancing in his seat as they sped down the highway.

"You down for some Chinese?" he called over the blaring radio.


Things continued on like that for months. Another Christmas passed by and this time, the Rosses held a small gathering. The two boys were able to sneak off for a few moments and still be back in time to introduce Douglas to the grandparents. Thanksgiving was spent with their respective families, and it was a good day. Spending the night back home with his mother and sister before his flight the next morning had reminded him of his high school days, the ones that weren't so bad.

Most days, he'd come home with a frown that could easily be taunted away with a handful of breadcrumbs tossed to the birds outside, or his mother's pierogi. He loved coming home to a plate of those filling their small kitchen with a warm, beefy smell while they sat on the counter, steam rolling off of them. He loved when she made them with beef, carrots, and cabbage, but the dessert ones were just as good. He could down half a plate of them easily, if she had ever allowed him.

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