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"You have to come Jinnie! The party will be no fun without our Jinnie" Renjun whinned as he tugged on Heejin's sleeve

They were both in study hall and Renjun sat next to her like usual.

"Renjun, I'll go to the party if you stop talking in your outside voice" Heejin said giving him a forced smile as she pulled his hand from off her sleeve

Heejin was annoyed by every member of her small friend group all day especially Haechan, who "lowkey" knew already about the surprise party.

"And bring Sunni! Haechan will for sure want her there"  Renjun said wiggling his eyebrows and grinning

"He still likes her? I thought that was just middle school crush?" Heejin said nonchalantly as she looked down at her textbook

"Uh huh, And it's obvi that Sunni likes him too" Renjun said nodding

"What are you guys talking about?" A bubbly voice was heard behind Renjun

He turned around and saw Sunni standing their with her eyebrows raised.

"N-nothing!" Renjun answered not wanting Sunni to find out what they were trying to talk about

"We were talking about how you and Haechan  have the hots for eachother" Heejin said, still looking down at her text book.

Sunni's eyes widdened and her cheecks reddened.

"What?! Why would you guys think that?!" She said covering her red cheecks

"Cause it's obvious" Renjun said

"Am i that obvi- No! I don't like Haechan, So you guys should like not talk about it anymore" Sunni said as she turned even redder and avoided eye contact

"Whatever you say, Haec- opps! i mean Sunni" Heejin said in a teasing tone

Sunni frowned and went to sit next to Renjun

"So, i heard Mark is throwing Haechan a surprise party" Sunni said

"Correction, Me and the boys are throwing a surprise party for our Haechanie, And you guys are going" Renjun said pointing at Sunni and Heejin

"But Heejin doesn't really like birthday parties because they usually only have birthday cake to eat" Sunni said

"More of the reason why i shouldn't go to the party" Heejin said

"Don't worry Jinnie, I got you girl" Renjun said

"I'm worried"

"It'll be fun Heejin" Sunni said trying to convince the moody girl

"I have a volleyball pratice on the moon that day and my cat just died while my tv broke" Heejin said trying to come up with an excuse but failed miserably

"Girl, what the hell was that?" Renjun laughed

"I don't even know"

"I don't even know"

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