Hopeless (Tristan)

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Hi my name is Tristan. I've always had secrets. But there's to many to share. Sometimes I wish I could just end. But there's one person I always look up to. Gabe witch I'm pretty sure you met already anyway this is my life. I have been abused. I've never loved my father. Maybe one day I can just run away from everyone with the only person I trust. My best friend I'm pretty sure he likes me but who cares it's nothing new everyone likes me even though I only talk to one person. I hate everyone. I don't like to talk but I always have good grades. I can't wait till the day I get out of this shithole. I'm not the nice type. I hate when Gabe asks questions. Cause then I have to lie to him and I hate it. I don't like lying to him but there's some things he can't know. Especially my past life. No one is ever to find out. Damn life fucking sucks. Well for me anyway. I always seem to avoid everything. But get away from my father as soon as I can and when I can. Maybe one day I'll kill him. Yes I'm plotting to kill him. To do so I need to convince Gabe to help me. If that means lying to him more than it's fucking worth it. But loosing him over it would not be worth it cause without him I would be hopeless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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