20. Embarking A New Journey- Part II

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                                             I am dedicating this to sangith because your enthusiasm and exicetement just struck on to me. This must be the most toughest chapter that I ever wrote because creating loosing ends is far easier than tying them. I learnt it the tough way. Ever character needed proper closure. I had even come to terms with the outline, but each time you sit to type, I feel no.. no.. it must be other way round. Something or other. But sangith's comment just made me think like if I am completing, it must be today. (Psst. Everyone's comment and votes counts. Each time I've a notification stating that I've recieved a new vote or comment my heartbeats crazy like it did the first time. And here's a secret. I read each of your message twice or sometimes even twenty to n times, trying to control the squeal, hey i got a comment. people like my works. Thank you, people. Love you, not literally, you romantics out there.)

                                                20. Embarking A New Journey- Part-II

Seema's P.O.V:-

The whirlwind world that Raj and Ria belonged to, or rather fitted to, was really too much for a medicore doctor like to me, to handle. What, I was used to was high-end, collosal medical terms, emergency cases, long dicussion hours with my dean and other collegues, dealing the tantrums of my little patients and finally working hard to give them a new lease of life. This was all I knew in life. These were the only things that I was exposed to and in a way I was happy with that life. Eventhough, our profession is considered prestegious, as life saving gods, I still feel that the strees level that we're subjected to far different that the deadline, event managements and what not!?! In a way, comparing to Raj and Ria's passion-thriving carrers, our white-job careers are far secure, laid back and stress-free than their's. 

But, no matter, how I complain, I'd never fit here, coming to the camp, was the best desicion that I ever made in my life. It made learn a lot, relaern a few ideaologies and in it's own thought-provoking style made me rethink as why I chose to become a Doctor in the first place.

It was parental-rather than peer-pressure. But to think above that, I think I know, why I chose this profession. I was introduced the habit of reading books, by one of my favourite teacher, who happened to be my ninth grade English teacher, Neeta Singh. For the first few times, she accompanied me to our school library and reccommend some good books for me. The first few books that I read was R.K. Naryan's "Swami and friends". It was funny and great. I loved his writing skills so much that I started reading his other books, like "Malgudi Days", " English Teacher", " The Guide", etc. Slowly, I read every book that our library could offer us. By the end of my ninth grade, I had to pester my parents to get me a library membership in the local library. After much fuss, dad accepted. So, that's how I got a pass to a whole new world. Agatha Christe, Sherlock Holmes, Jefferey Deaver, G.K. Cherston and there went my total dective period obsession. Slowly, I discovered Robin Cook's medical thriller and that was pretty much like the start of my career. There came in a romantic obsession period, Nora Roberts, Mills and Boon classics( Medical series, where about came by this famous notation that men in white, doctors are not just handsome, but a thorough who save lives but break hearts). By this time, I was set on my descision of becoming a Doctor. Afterall, wasn't that the best way to meet handsome doctors? Works hands-on-hands with them, rub shoulders with and ultimately fall in love with the Dr. Right? Right, great plan, isn't it?

Like all dreams come to a crashing end, in world of realism, this naiive heart of mine, had it's first heart-breakup, when I was asked to put my emotions aside to become a good doctor. "Doctor need to have a practical, emotionless, calm mind, to think out of any situation, to work against any difficult emergency....You need to be detached, to treat our patients well. You need to call our patients as case, rather than name.."

LOVE BLOSSOMS(COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora