"So, how much is the tutorial fee and the form?" Kore asked.

"The form, I honestly can't say, I will have to call my Tutorial Manager." Dimeji said.

Kore reminded, "You are yet to say anything about the tutorial fee."

"Kore, for you to bring this lady here simply shows that you care about her life and her well being. Let me also assist in the little way I can since I am not as rich as you are." Dimeji replied.

"Ah! DMJ, see as you dey lie. Padi mi, talk normal jare." Kore said.

"I am serious. Her fee is FOC*. I like the fact that you are contributing to making another life better and the fact that you both understand education is important in human's growth and development. We need to stop pushing education back because it is the gateway to our freedom." Dimeji lectured.

"Baba Scholar*. We thank you o." Kore said.

"Thank you very much sir." Ayo appreciated.

"My dear, the only way you will be welcomed is for you to read hard and be admitted into this school and also come out in flying colors." Dimeji said.

"I will try my best." Ayo replied smiling.

Dimeji said, "No, don't try, do your best and we will go from there."

"Okay sir." She said and Kore asked,

"So, how are we getting to the centre?"

"I will give you a card now, the address of each of the four branches are on it. Then let me call my Tutorial Manager now." Dimeji said and he picked up his phone. After swiping and tapping, he started speaking to the receiver rather other end,

"Richard, my friend will be at the centre soon (he looked to Kore for confirmation and Kore nodded). Register the lady with him for UTME and don't worry about the tutorial fee. Just do the needful concerning the UTME and feed me back...Okay."

"DMJ, thank you so much." Kore appreciated.

"Thank you too for coming to me and trusting me." Dimeji said.

Kore opened up, "There is one more thing though."

Dimeji asked, "What is that?"

Kore informed, "Itunu needs to be enrolled into a school ASAP*."

Dimeji said, "Wow. You know the pupils are on their second term right now. It's usually hard to get a child admitted into school when the first term is over."

"I know DMJ. Na why you gaz help me*. First, what schools are around that you think is up to standard?" Kore asked.

"For now, I can say Brighter Grammar, Sound Care Schools and Delight Group of Schools." Dimeji answered.

Then after a moment's silence, Kore asked, "Isn't Delight your brother's school?"

Dimeji confirmed, "Yes, it is."

"DMJ, help me nao. This boy needs to start school next week o. Call your brother na, tell him I am willing to broadcast his school for a week." Kore said.

Dimeji laughed, "Okay, let me call him." He did some swiping and tapping on his phone again and then some seconds later, he started talking. This time, he put the phone on speaker and said,

"Hello Bro."

A baritone voice replied, "DMJ, how far? E Don happen, make I show?*"

Dimeji laughed a little, "Bro, no dey Whyne me jare*."

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