Chap.2 His Grip Was Like A Vice

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I don't know where I am, I'm blind folded and handcuffed. Lucky for me I've always had the ability to not panic. And at least my clothes were still on. I was trying to slow down the questions. 

That's when I decided to give Cloud the benefit of the doubt first and foremost.

I was a little scared but I started remembering what David and I did to her or more like for her. It was all about trust.

I didn't hear a sound but I felt heat circling me. "Cloud is that you?" I knew it wasn't her because I was smelling a very nice guy smell.

I was trying to figure out how to get the blind fold off but froze when the heat moved to my neck and with the deepest voice I ever heard, "don't move or scream", as he covered my mouth.

His grip was like a vice. 

So I quickly planned my next move. 

I stood completely still, not moving a muscle, not making a sound and waited. 

 I think I confused him.

After a minute I found myself wanting to hear his voice again. He loosened his grip a little bit so I calmly muffled, "I don't know who you are, but I'm not afraid." (It was a lie).

He let go of me, "well let's see if I can change that." I heard the sound of scissors.

Hearing his deep voice again, "I was the one who bought you the clothes your wearing (I heard him take a few pictures) "and I must say your so beautiful wearing them, but we won't be needing them. If you move now, I will have to cuff you to the rack." He began to cut them off of me.

I was never ashamed of how I look. And on the inside I was shaking like an inferno but somehow I trusted this man and surprisingly there was no sign of the phobia. 

I had to keep reminding myself, this was something Cloud planned. And she knows my innermost thoughts.

So I decided I was going to play different.

"Sir" I said, "if you just cuff my hands in front of me and turn me around, I could raise my hands above my head to make it easier for you".

He pause for a long second and it was frustrating not being able to see him. Then he continued cutting everything away leaving me in just my panties.

I wanted so badly to cover myself and scream but his voice made my knees weak. It danced two ways, it was very calming and very scary.

"How do you know Cloud," I whispered?

"I knew she was your best friend and lives next door to you so I started talking to her. I've been waiting for you to turn 21 since you were 15 yrs old."

I started to scream for help but he covered my mouth again, "Your in my club, these walls are very thick and it's very loud out there. No one is going to hear you. I have so many plans for you." 

You said your not afraid, well sit on my lap and let me feel if your afraid". I started to pull away.

"Oh you were being such a good girl what happen? 

He took the blind fold off and there was dim lights and a full moon coming in (it was actually beautiful). "Your the bartender", I exclaimed. Looking down I saw the situation I was in.

With a stern look he said, "no, I'm the owner. Now be a good girl and stand in front of me and don't move." I hesitated, it took everything I had but I did.

He sat down moving his hand up my belly and cupped my left breast.

When I tried to turn away but he grabbed my nipple hard, turning me back.

I gasped, then stood still. "Good Girl" he said, easing up, but pinching them both now.

My mind was all sorts of confused because my body was shaking from the pain but more so, from the pleasure. From the minute I heard his voice I've been looking at this like a blind date. Literally.

It felt so good. I was trying hard to hold back a moan. This is like the same fantasy that's been helping me go to sleep for years.

He interrupted my thoughts with a chuckle, "I'm going to cuff your hands in front of you now." He paused for a minute.

"I've been waiting six years TO TURN YOUR BOTTOM RED and before midnight I will count all 21 of them."

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