This is a chapter *hysterical laughter*

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Fredricka shifted from foot to foot. They had introduced themself to the girl sitting alone in the empty space and it turned out the girl's name was Mary. They talked to Mary about what fresh hell-or lack of hell- the nothingness was. Mary said how she died and had asked Frederick the same.

She's acting abnormally calm for someone who just met a talking piece of bread with a body, Fredricka thought.

"I just got jumped in an alley. The girl had floofy brown hair-"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH- HOLD UP.  Floofy brown hair? Are you sure?" Mary interrupted the bread face.

Fredricka scoffed. "I know what I saw."

Mary stayed silent for a moment before muttering, "Guess Daphne killed em. Gosh dangit, Jared wins that bet. Not that it matters, considering I'm dead and all..."

Fredricka raised an eyebrow- or something close to, considering they had no face features- but said nothing on the subject.

Meanwhile, Daphne talked to her friend Blue on Kik. They planned to have a sleepover at her house, and Blue planned to adopt their cat. All seemed normal and well.

Blue had no idea they would be spending the night with a murderer (ok so maybe they had their suspicions, but they didn't know they were true so shush).

When Blue arrived Daphne immediately greeted her, "Heyo."


Blue and Daphne spent their night talking, eating, and complaining about their parents (#friendgoals). Blue fell asleep before Daphne did, and that was their final night of rest before Daphne slit Blue's throat and sent them to an eternal abyss.

Blue looks around. "Oh jeez. That's probably not good."

They began to work out the mechanics of being dead while internally knowing they  jinxed themself (you know what I'm talking about, Blue. Everyone else is very confused at this).

In another empty realm, Mary was trying to teach Fredricka how to move around.

"Just, like, um, imagine yourself going up, or something." Mary said, being very useful for the person she had to spend her entire afterlife with.

"You are the least helpful person."

"And you aren't even a person. And I'm the only one here so you'll just have to deal with me."

"I think I'm getting a hang of it, so shush."

Mary stuck out her tongue but stayed quiet.

Blue, meanwhile, wondered how she died. The only other person in the room was Daphne, and she's never hurt them. At least, I think so...I mean she totally would murder if she wanted to but would she kill me? Nah....ok yeah she would.

Fredricka watched as Mary poorly explained how to basically exist in the nothingness that was the afterlife and both them and Blue wondered how in the world they got into this mess.

A/N this chapter was sorta rushed, ok super rushed, but I just wanted to kill off Blue so you must understand.
Word count:490
-The Atheist

Dead Mary x Fredricka the Bread HeadWhere stories live. Discover now