The party

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"Come on you buzz kill." I said snarky at my roommate, Jennifer. She rolled her eyes. "Fine. You better not leave me alone at the party though." I squealed with excitement. "Yes! I knew you'd come around. I will stick with you no matter what girly." Jenny sighed. "I know I'm going to regret this." I crossed my arms. "No you won't!" The bell suddenly rang without warning, so me and Jennifer had to part ways. At least it would give her time to think about the party and reassure herself.
Finally, the time had passed by and there was a hour until the party. "Argh!" Jennifer sighed while looking in the closet in our dorm. "What's wrong Jen?" I walked over to her and smirked. She looked frustrated with just a drop of sweat between her brows waiting for an escape. "I can't find anything to wear! I just don't want to look slutty or lame." I raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "You can just borrow something of mine." She smiled, letting all of the stress escape her body. "Thanks girl." I smiled in response. I had already had an outfit idea and I couldn't wait to put it on. I went to the bathroom to change and curl my blonde crazy hair. When I came out of the bathroom, Jennifer's eyes widened and she gasped. "You look drop dead gorgeous!" I smiled and took a look in the body mirror that stood in the corner of the dorm. I stood wearing a tight red dress that was more than halfway up my thigh and a great U neck collar that exposed a great deal of cleavage. To finish the look, I wore thigh- high black boots with a stiletto heel. My long golden hair was curled and bounced perfectly with every move. I opened a tube of red lipstick confidently, and painted it on my lips. I had to admit, I looked absolutely breath taking. I smirked slyly at Jenny and said "You ready to go?" She hopped off of her bed and ran to the door. "As ready as I'll ever be. Just a bit nervous." I gave a supporting smile, and we were soon heading to the party.
We walked in and I was immediately cat called by all of the guys in the room. Jen hid behind me nervously as I confidently strode over to the dance floor to mingle. Me and Jenny danced for what seemed like hours, declining every desperate boy that asked us to dance. I felt as though nothing could take me down or distract me, like I was on top of the world. That was what I believed until across the room my eyes met ink black ones. They drew me in and immediately made me want to get closer. Soon I saw his eyes flicker red as he looked at me with intensity. He then looked away and began talking to a guy in front of him. He was beautiful. He was tall, dark, and his skin was decorated with tattoos and piercings. His pale blonde hair glistened under the flickering lights almost blinding me. That jawline could cut me I swear. His tight black shit showed every line and crease of his six pack, making him look even more resistible. Jennifer smiled. "Who is that hottie at the bar over there? I saw him eyeing you and I can tell you're not complaining. Go talk to him!" I rolled my eyes. "I can't." Jenny rolled her eyes and crossed her arms with attitude. "Well I want a drink and I want you to go get it." I chuckled. "Yeah, sure you do." She raised an eyebrow and I knew she wasn't playing. I sighed and strutted my way to the bar. His eyes found me almost immediately. I felt my pulse quicken and my hands begin to sweat. My skin tingled under his stare. It felt like he was staring forever until he finally opened his mouth to talk. "Can I help you?" I was taken aback with his unnecessary attitude, but little did he know that I bite back. "Yeah you can. Try starting with not being a complete dick to random strangers." His friend began to giggle and searched the hot guy for a reaction. At first he looked totally pissed, but soon his face relaxed and a wicked smirk snuck its way into his face. "I like that attitude. I'm Jace." He winked at me. When I was about to respond, the bartender placed Jennifer's drink and another drink on the counter. Jace and I both went to grab the drinks and our hands brushed. A weird sensation passed over me and sent tingles through my arm. We both jumped back and looked at each other. "What was that? I said a little frightened. He shrugged. "Dunno, don't care." I rolled my eyes. "My name is Claira by the way." I said as I was about to walk away. An arm snaked around my waist when I was about to be next to my friend again. I gasped, but a hand covered my mouth and I was pulled behind a corner where no one could see me. My back roughly hit a cold brick wall and it sent shivers down my spine. I opened my mouth to try and scream, but soft lips roughly crashed into mine. My eyes widened and blonde hair caught my eye, but I couldn't make out the rest of his face, but I didn't need to. I knew exactly who he was. His scent intoxicated me as his hands sent shocking tingles all over where he met my skin. I wanted him so bad, but I didn't even know him. The kiss became quick and passionate. My hands broke free and they tangled into his hair. For some reason he backed up and tore our lips apart. His cheeks were flushed and I saw a glint of red in his eyes again. I cocked my head and looked into his eyes suspiciously. He looked at the ground. "I don't know what came over me, but I needed to satisfy the hunger that I had to kiss you." I raised an eyebrow. "Is it fulfilled now?" He looked me in the eye and shook his head. "No, definitely not." I turned red and bit my lip. "Then why don't you do what you need to me." I just wanted his hands to glide against my skin again, his scent to intoxicate me again, and to fulfill MY need for him to be on top of me. He chuckled. "It's not that simple." I tugged on the front of his shirt. "Then make it simple." He hesitated before making our lips meet again. He tapped the back of my legs and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the room, not taking his lips off of mine a single time. He tumbled to a door down the hall and made us go inside. Excitement and anxiety filled my veins like ice. I need this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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