A Cold Night In Adarlan

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Yrene shivered as she closed all the windows in the house. Even with them closed the dreadful cold still wove its ways into her bones, and it didn't help that she couldn't find her favourite fuzzy socks either. 

"I'm home!" A very familiar voice called from the front entry, and not a moment later Chaol rounded the corner, still in his fancy tunic that he only wore during meetings with other continents. He cheeks were rosy, and his face was flushed from the cold. 

"Please tell me you were wearing a coat earlier," Yrene said, walking over to him. 

"You would have killed me if I didn't." He told her, kissing her tenderly on the lips. "Besides, I have enough common sense to know that I would freeze to death before you could kick my ass for it."

Yrene couldn't help the small tug on her lips as Chaol grinned down at her. She would never get used to his towering height over her when they were standing this close. 

"Where's Jose?" He asked, untying his boots and stepping more into the warmth of their small home. 

"Asleep," She looked to the door where their daughter was sleeping. "Last time I checked."

Chaol nodded once before leading his wife over to their gold couch. "You're freezing." He mumbled, stopping about halfway to take her hands in his own. "Did you go outside?"

"No, but Jose's milk started smoking so I had to open some windows." 

He looked around the house, noting all the windows now closed. 

"I closed them not too long before you walked in." She clarified. "I was just about to-" 

The kettle started whistling before she could finish her sentence. She made to move towards it but Chaol's strong arm stopped her.

"Go sit down." He ordered softly kissing her temple. "I got it."

"But you probably had a long day." She protested. 

"Yes. But my wife is cold, and it's in my wiring to help her." This time he kissed the corner of her mouth. "Go sit down. I'll be over in a minute."

Powerless against him, Yrene made her way over to that godforsaken couch. Still shivering, she sat. How could she be so fricken cold in such a warm house? 

Chaol kept to his promise and came into the small living room in no more than a minute. He somehow had time to change into a baggier sweater, similar to the one she was wearing which she stole from him, and grabbed a blanket along the way. 

He handed her a warm cup of steaming tea, and sat down next to her, a cup of his own in hand, and wrapped the fuzzy blanket around her and himself. 

"Any better?" He asked after a minute. All Yrene could do was hum as she leaned into his warmth. 

Taking a sip of her tea, she looked up at her husband, smiling softly.

His smile was just as soft as he asked, "What is it?"

"I love you." 

He leaned down a claimed her lips for a too short second. "I love you too." 

And in that moment, Yrene thought they were the most beautiful words she had ever heard as the wind continued to blow outside, covering  Adarlan in snow. 

A Cold Night In Adarlan - Chaol x Yrene One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now