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The Hughesist opinion on profit through markets: All profit through markets is theft, thus immoral, and should be outlawed.

The Hughesist opinion on profit through  somebody else's labor: All exploited profit through other people is theft, thus immoral, and should be outlawed. 

Class Divide: The Chairman Hughes once said "To sum up my idea on the class struggle between the proletariat, petite bourgeois, and bourgeois, I would say that you must spread your [your class's] influence, or spread your ass."

Taxes: The Hughesist opinion is that there should be no income tax, and that the government should be ran off of union funds, which are set by whichever union a worker joins. All unions must pay some of these funds to the government.

Currency: The abolition of currency is necessary to protect workers, rather, people pay in their labor to society, and are rewarded by free utilities and commodities. 

Work: All able-minded, able-bodied members of society below 60 must work, to ensure that there is peace and prosperity in our great nation.

Private property: Private property is abolished, rather, citizens are given usership agreements, essentially free leases. All citizens are entitled to housing and property, however output to society determines how much land you have. For example, a doctor would likely have a nicer house than a farmer, but a farmer would have a larger land-lease. 

Value: Allocative efficiency will determine the value of all items produced. 

The Doctrine of Hughesism, a brief guide to Hughesist Ideology.Where stories live. Discover now