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I am bringing Jonathan's and my plate to the washing area behind the cafetria. My mind is spinning with all the things Jonathan and I talked about. The reason he is even here, in germany, in the YPA, is so brave, but also sad at the same time.
"I needed to get away from that place, that country. There were so many things hurting me at the same time, my friends, my parents... just generally my life there. The only thing keeping me alive there was making music" He told me.
"So why did you leave to such a far land? I mean, you have a great band, right?" The pain in his voice is heartbreaking. I'm nearly too sure that there's more behind this cute face than what he's telling me, but I'd never ask. It's not my business, but I'd like to help him. His scars are visible.
"The reason I moved to this place is because it was the most random thing I could've done, and trust me, the moment I set foot in this land, I felt more relieved than ever. So no regrets" Jonathan smiled at me with his crooked teeth. Those words are still ringing in my head as I put our trays away.
Lost in thought, I crash into something hard.
"Oh shit, sorry" I look up and no other than Corey Taylor is standing in front of me.
"I knew I'd see you again" he smirks at me.
"Hahaha yeah..." I mumble awkwardly. I try power walking away as I feel my face heating up again. Why does this always happen?
I look over my shoulder to see Corey looking back at me.

I arrive home. Or at least at my grandpas house. It'd take an hour to get to my actual home so I'd rather stay at my grandpas these two weeks, who also lives in Farrm.
I let myself fall onto the bed my grandpa has prepared for me and close my eyes.
A sigh of exhaustion escapes from my mouth.
What a first day it was. The reason I wanted to do this job somehow already paid off. I am already looking forward to spending these coming days with Jonathan. I mean, I am sort of obligated to lead him around. But i enjoy it. I hope
he does too. From our conversations I could conclude that he does, but you can never be sure. Trust issues are little backstabbing bitches...

I arrive at the sports field the next morning. Anna didn't drive on the bus with me. She didn't call or text me either since we started working. She couldn't be jealous because of Jonathan could she? I mean, she has to take care of another group of kids and also has to lead Corey around, so technically we are on the same track.
I see Jonathan from 20 meters away. His purple adidas tracksuit sparkles in the sun. Isn't he hot? I mean... like... physically... of course. Because its like 30C° and he's wearing overalls.
Just seeing him makes me smile for some reason. How cute and awkwardly he's looking around to see where he has to go.
That's when he spots me and walks over to me with a smile.

The morning activities were quite fun. We made pancakes with our group for breakfast and then did some sport games like playing tag or table tennis. Whatever the kids would like.
Now it's lunch time. I haven't seen Anna or Corey all day. Out of politeness I would have liked to say hi to her, but either she's avoiding me, or its just a coincidence that I haven't seen her.
I stand in line on front of Jonathan. I pass him a plate and put mine on the rail for the buffet.
"I haven't mentioned that I really like your style" Jonathan says out of nowhere. I look at him in surprise.
"My... style?"
"Yeah, like good band shirts and shorts. Casual, but it suits you." He smiles at me before looking down at his feet again.
I smile to myself. A compliment can really make any day. I don't get them often.
"Can you move maybe?!" Someone yells from behind.
I know that voice all too well.
Luke is standing behind Jonathan, looking at him like he just killed his dog.
"Sorry" Jonathan mumbles and takes a step further.
"You better be. Can't believe it. Do you even have eyes in your head or do your filthy dreads cover them up?" Luke yells at him. Jonathan says nothing and continues walking. Should I say something? What is that bastard even thinking? Jonathan didn't do a thing to him. I decide to give Luke a death glare to show him that he's acting like the shithead he is.
Luke's grin slowly fades as we walk past him towards a table.
After 5 minutes at the table Jonathan is still only poking at his food.
"Did he hurt your feelings?" I ask him.
"No. I'm used to it. Being called filthy and all that shit. Soon people will call me a faget too. I know it. But when they do, just let them. I learned that they're just feeling bad about themselves so they have to let it out on someone else." He gives me a short smile, but the pain is visible again.
"And since I'm a little different, I seem like a good target."
Jonathan has one of the most kind souls anyone could ask for. Yet, he is so broken inside. Just thinking about that makes tears form in my eyes. How can people hurt such a beautiful person?
"If anyone calls you a faget I will stuff them in the nearest garbage can and punch them until they beg for mercy" I say. Jonathan chuckles.
"Don't worry. As long as you're with me, I am happier than I've been for a long time." He looks deep into my eyes.
"I know its a weird thing to say after like 24 hours of meeting someone, but, I mean, i told you more than some people know about me. I feel like I can trust you"
I just stare at him in wonder.
"Sorry" he blushes and looks at his food.
I smile to myself. A new friend. That's all I wanted. And Jonathan's an amazing guy.
"Heyyy I see there's a free seat, great!" Before I can even realise what's going on, Corey is already sitting next to me, eating his hamburger.
"Uh, yeah... Sure."
"By the way, your friend is a real asshole. Anna I mean"
I'm startled.
"What did she do?"
"Well, I thought it would be a nice idea to play soccer with some of the boys and she started yelling at me about how selfish I am and that I should go fuck myself. So I said I'd rather fuck myself than her and went away."
My jaw drops. Anna that bitch. What is with her these days?
"So, would you mind to lead me around as well?" Corey winks at me.
"Well..." I look at Jonathan.
He shrugs.
"Sure, I guess."
"Well awesome. Then, see you guys later" Corey storms off, leaving both Jonathan and me confused.

That night I lie in my bed again, thinking. About Jonathan and Corey. I have too many questions about both of them, even though I know Jon pretty well by now. Surprisingly. We just clicked from the start. But when it comes to Corey... I'd like to know why he keeps coming over. And what all that flirting is about.
Suddenly my phone buzzes.
When I see who it is, my heart stops beating for a second.
22.36pm, Corey T.: Hey Livy ;) What's shakin?


A/N: Hey again to all my readers. Once again please give me a feedback on how you like this story bc I feel like I'm explaining too much and nothing rlly happens atm. But I will say, in the coming chapters there will be more things happening, so I hope you'll stick around.

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