Chapter 5: The birth of a monster

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(your POV)(Narration)

To explain this story I will have to go back a long time in my childhood. Originally in my family we were three or at least that's what I considered. You see, those that I considered my family were my brothers Cracker and Perospero. Our "father" if you would like to call him that, was an arms dealer. He sold weapons to anyone who had enough money to buy them. On the other hand, our mother was a street prostitute. She stayed with our father for his money and influence in the underworld. Our parents treated us three really badly. We constantly suffered from physical and verbal abuse. Our father was so angry one day for a sale that it turned out bad that he took a knife and cut off the face of my younger brother, Cracker. He got a scar that would remind him our bastard father. But the day that Cracker got his scar it was the day we three decided to leave our home. Curiously after two days of leaving, our father was arrested by a group of heroes. We never knew what happened to our mother and frankly we don't care. For two months, the three of us lived and survived in the streets with nowhere to go or where to stay. We survived by stealing or checking the garbage of the restaurants. Pathetic, right? But our luck began to end. One day, my younger brother Cracker got sick and we didn't know what to do. We didn't have anyone to help us and we didn't have money to pay for a doctor or medication. But fortunately, a family did what the others didn't do. They helped me and my brothers. That family was composed of a married couple of older age and a girl who seemed to be the same age as Cracker. That family helped my brother to heal and they asked us typical things like "where are your parents?". We explain the situation and I do not know if they felt sympathy or sadness for us. But they didn't hesitate a second to ask us to be part of their family, even when my face scared anyone who saw me. The names of this married couple were Oscar and Mimi. They were the nicest people I've ever met. The name of the girl who became my younger sister was Brulee. She was kind and liked to play with us. In fact, she was one of the few people who saw me as a person and not as a monster. It turns out that Brulee's parents died as victims of homicide at the hands of a villain and no one managed to catch that murderer. Oscar and Mimi were Brulee's grandparents and when they found out what happened to their son and his wife, they took care of Brulee with all their love and affection. For a while, things went really well for us... Or at least for the rest. I was constantly insulted and persecuted by bullies and gang members. When we lived in the streets, we had to take everything necessary to survive. It was inevitable to steal from people who were as bad as us. I could tolerate the insults of teenagers. But there was one time when one of them threw a brick in my face and made my face bleed. I started a fight against five teenagers that ended up with many of their bones broken and they ran while they called me a monster. Mimi was so furious with me that day. But she was really more concerned about what had happened to me more than what I did, she is like the mother I never had. But there was a day where those gang members did something terrible... 

I was in the park spending time with Rei as usual. My big brother Perospero got a job at a bakery and he took Cracker with him. But I felt that something was out of place. It's hard to explain, it's as if from the bottom of my heart I knew something bad was going to happen. I remember apologizing to Rei and walking home quickly. That walk became running. Running became running faster. And running faster became running as if the life of the world depended on me arriving as quickly as possible. But when I got there, my blood froze because of what I was seeing. Grandfather Oscar was shot directly in the head, while Grandma Mimi was stabbed to death. They were both like my parents and they had been killed. My heart ached as if it had been me who had been shot. But I quickly remember that my sister Brulee was also here. I ran to his room, praying that my younger sister was safe, asking whoever was watching us from heaven that they didn't do anything to Brulee. But just like our grandparents, she had been stabbed by those gang members. Brulee was on her bed with a knife wound in her stomach and to my surprise she was still alive. I was in panic, I could not take her to a hospital because Brulee had already lost a lot of blood and I had no way of saving her. But Brulee, with the few strengths that she had left, put a hand on my face and made me look at her straight in the eyes.

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