He let out a heavy, exaggerated sigh. "What do you want?" He grumbled.

Daisy frowned and removed her tiny hands from his face, placing them on his chest instead as she tried to hide her hurt at his cold demeanour. "I-I just wanted to know if you're ok. What happened?"

"I'm fine Angel. You heard Dave - I just need to stay out of fights." He said, a whisper of anger in his voice. He sounded more exhausted then anything.

She shook her head with certainty. "No, it wasn't your fault. I heard rumours in the break room. I know what happened." Well, she didn't learn about Seth defending her honour from the rumours. Daisy really doubted he turned into a real life hulk and flipped tables onto the prison officers for just looking in his direction. Green skin and everything apparently.

Yeah, it was extremely unlikely.

Nate and Levi were also sick of the rumours so they, not so nicely, asked a prisoner what had happened. He stopped boasting about how he survived a blood thirsty Seth and instead told them about the prison officers provoking him into fighting back and brutal beating.

The prisoner even looked a bit sorry for the man he was calling a monster just a few moments ago.

From what Nate, Levi and the rest of the prison said about him, she knew that Seth had held back immensely from the mere fact that the prisoner officers were still alive. Although, now she wasn't sure how much of it was actually rumours and gossip and how much of it was true.

Seth just kept his face neutral and his eyes closed as he said, "Daisy, I'm really tired," signalling the end of their short conversation.
She concluded that something terrible must've happened. My poor defenceless little Sethy! She gasped and blurted, "are you traumatised?!"


His exasperated and slightly scolding tone told her she wouldn't get any more out of him so she gave up and climbed off him to settle herself next to him, feeling moisture build up in her eyes when he didn't make a mood to cuddle her to him.

It felt extremely abnormal to have her arms laying stiffly beside her sides and for Seth to be the same.

After a few more unbearable minutes, Daisy sniffled and then unable to take anymore torture, she gently yet hurriedly lifted Seth's arm to bury her face into the side of his chest.
She inhaled his unique and addictive smell, feeling a little more at ease.

She thought Seth was going to push her away the way he was acting as he sucked in a breath and his tensed muscles stiffened further.
But to her surprise, his body relaxed completely before holding her closer to place a long gentle kiss on the crown of her head.


People stared at them as they walked out of their cell. They stared at them when they walked into the cafeteria, as they ate and when they went to the common room.

Everyone noticed the shift in atmosphere. How could they not when Seth's face was a picture of annoyance and anger. She didn't know why he was so angry but she knew it was directed at everyone. He stared at everything with a glare. Though every person was staring, no one would stare long enough to catch his gaze at risk of making him finally snap.

This wasn't the same Seth from 2 nights ago. That Seth looked almost happy, even surrounded by hardcore criminals that feared him. He was laidback and extremely affectionate to Daisy.

Now he walked beside her, barely touching save from tightly holding her hand. Though this seemed to purely be so that she wouldn't be lost in the throngs of people. She had to hold back a painful whimper from the his grip. The fact that she had to do so hurt more than the hand itself.

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