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| Kimetruis|
Kai is getting so big I love him to the moon and back. I was scared that I was gonna be a bad father but Bella tells me that I am doing a great job which puts a smile on my face.
"KIMETRUIS" Bella tells from downstairs
I raced down the stairs which my heart pounding
"Yes baby" I said finding Bella in the living room with kai looking mad
"WHO IS THIS BITCH" she says holding my phone
I looked at it. It's one of my old hoes but why is she hitting me up?
"Baby I promise I haven't talked to her since we got together" I said looking so damn sincere
"Ki I believe you but there a feeling I can't shake like something bad is gonna happen" she said putting my phone back on the table tears starting spilling out her eyes
"Baby girl I promise everything gonna be okay." I said kissing her
"You don't know that Ki" she said getting up,going to our bedroom and slamming the door
"Kai I try to give you and your mommy the world. I love you both so damn much" I said kissing Kai's face
"Dada" he said hugging me
"Wanna go get food to help mommy feel better?" I said picking up
I texted Bella to let her know we are leaving
She texted back and said okay

Little did Kimetruis know I was packing me and Kai's things. I can't believe he lied to me. There are videos on line of Ki kissing some girl and getting a lap dance from her. By the time he comes home our stuff will be at my old house the girls already know I am coming.
I trusted Ki and he betrayed me. I started throwing things and I punched a mirror now there is blood on our bathroom floor. I cried and cried till I couldn't cry anymore.
Kai and I finished getting food and we got home. I opened the door there was a mess.
"ISABELLA WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled looking around got her
"What Kimetruis" she said coming downstairs with her bags
"Isabella where are going?" I said grabbing her hand
"Let go of me. Kai and I are leaving" she said trying to take kai from my arms
"Hell no Bella. Why is your hand have blood on it?" I said
"None of your business Kimetruis" she said rolling her eyes
"I am Calling my mom to come and get kai. He doesn't need to be around this okay" I said dialing my mom's number
"Whatever" she said
Bella looked a mess her eyes are sunken in. She has dark circles and her hand is bloodily. Remind me never to leave Bella home alone.
"Momma can you come and get Kai. Bella and I have something we need to sort out." I said
"Okay Ki I am coming. I should be there in 5 minutes. Is kai staying for the weekend?" She said sounding worried
"Yes" I said
"Ki I hope you and Bella can work this our you guys be long with each other" she said
"Aw momma. I will see you when you get here" she said hanging up
"My mom is coming bella." I said walking past her with Kai
I went to his room to pack his and but of course Bella was packing up to leaving me. I put Kai down to look for the bags that she packed. I found them and put Kai's things that he needed
I picked up Kai and we went to the living room. He played with his toys as we waited for my mom.
I ran to the door. It was my mom
"Hey mom" I said hugging her
"Hi Ki where is Kai." She said coming in "in the living room" I said closing the door behind her
"Ki this place is a mess" my mom said picking up somethings that Bella threw on the floor
"Bella got mad while me and kai were out at the store." I said shaking my head
"Why?" My mom asked looking very concerned
"She probably thinks I am cheating" I said putting my hands in my face
"Why would she think that?" My mom asked
"Because I did and I lied about it" I said quickly
"KIMETRUIS" she yells
"I know Ma i fucked up. But I don't wanna lose Bella or Kai" I said with tears slipping out my eyes
"Maybe if you used your brain to think about the consequences before you did it. This wouldn't have happened now I am taking my grandson and leaving. If you don't fix this Ki I am gonna be so upset with you" she said picking up Kai and leaving

She slammed the door when she left. I knew seen my momma like that. She loves Bella like her own daughter.

"ISABELLA" i yell
"WHAT KIMETRUIS" she yelled back
"WHERE ARE YOU?" I asked
"IN OUR ROOM" she replied
I walked up the stairs to our room. It was a mess; she was still packing her stuff to leave.
"Bella baby. I am so fucking sorry" I said walking to her
"Sure Kimetruis. I wish you just had said something instead of lying to me having me look like a whole fool." She said pushing me
"Bella I froze because I didn't want to lose you. I Love you so fucking much you're my forever. You probably won't forgive me but I had to apologize. Kissing her didn't mean shit to me. You and Kai are my whole world." I said hugging her
"Ki I need time" she said not hugging me back
"Bella don't leave me. I can't be without you and you know that" I said starting to cry
"Ki don't cry you know what that does to me." She said wiping the tears off my face
"Bella please stay let's fix this" I said
"I don't know Ki" she said look uneasy
"Please Bella let me make this up to you" I said practically begging
"I will stay with you for the weekend but if I don't see change me and Kai are leaving" she said
"Okay Bella let's clean up our room and bathroom" I said kissing her cheek

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