Introduction Part1

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Being with a boy you love that loves you back, or at least you think you love him. Hell the fuck do you know about love your like 5 years old. Or at least your always told you act like it. Then breaking up with him for his bestfriend who claims he's had feelings for you the whole time. You fall under his spell, talk for like ever then it happens. Y'all cuff, Y'all are together, a couple, two names that are forever associated with each other.

It's like heaven at first. Well for the first couple of months, then it slowly fades away. The love you thought he had for you, The girls wait no the hoes, the gommies you never even knew existed. He tells you not to worry cause he loves you. He even says it in front of his friends just to prove to you he loves you. But was it just a fraud Was it show? Did this all happen on purpose? Was this your fault? You forgive him anyways and he changes well for the first few days then his whorish ways come back, then you start to question yourself. Was I not good enough? Am I now ugly to him? Why doesn't he love me anymore? You start to feel insecure, about your self about your body, about everything. But before you cry, you let the pettiness in a females genes get the best of you. You try to do the same thing to see if he'll notice. But of course he doesn't. And your still left confused, What did you do for this to happen?

Days go by, Weeks, Months, and your left wondering am I even in a relationship anymore? Consecutive days, weeks go but that you don't speak. Even at one point seeing each other in school isn't even enough. Don't even give each other a hug, not even as much as a hello. Then people come around asking if your still together, when in your heart you know the spark is gone, but you say yes, to keep them from asking questions so you don't break down. Then it comes you reach your breaking point you can't take it anymore your feelings get the most of you. Damn feelings! Before you even think first to talk to them about it, so they know how you feel. So they know your hurting. So they know you feel as if your not being loved. Like they don't care. But by then it's too late. It's already over. Actually officially over. You ended the relationship that was nothing but a title yesterday, so caught up in your feelings. Didn't even think about talking it out first. Maybe just maybe you could have fixed what you had but it's too late now. He's already on to the next while your still left here wondering why did this all begin in the first place?

If this has happened to you and your going through what I went through. Just read my story and I'll explain how I got through it all. The Pain, What I thought was Love, Everything. Even this little disease we've all been diagnosed with called Real Life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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