Meiji Jingu Stadium

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"Yeah… we've met before… a few times…" Hitsugaya stated, his tone rather brushing the whole matter away, his icy resolve almost falling, but not doing so. He was trying hard to maintain himself, who he was… at least, who he tended to show people on the outside. Something about that girl though, set things off a bit.

"I pegged you more for a soccer fan, Toshiro, not baseball," Karin stated, rather coolly. She also had a rather irritated look in her eye, almost as if she were saying that if he did indeed favor the sport, she would never forgive him.

"My fukutaicho planned this … thing… and is dragging me along," the small boy stated, rather aggravated suddenly. He glanced at the said women, his eyes telling her she would have a lot to answer for when they got back to Soul Society.

"And you came along with her because…" the girl questioned as Yuzu and Ururu climbed into the van ahead of the others. Her mouth was twisted up in a sort of mockery, as if she wanted to make him squirm, to egg him into some sort of response.

"I came along because of the fact that she would have kept bothering me about it, plus… she made a promise I doubt she'll keep, but I can hope she will… that she'll actually do her paperwork," the small taicho grumbled. "I have to wonder why you are here…"

"So that idiot doesn't flirt with my sister…" Karin muttered, her mood turning dark. This caused Toshiro to glance at Jinta warily, and had a good idea what the situation was about, but was confused when she had brought up the word about having a sister.

"Then, that girl is your sister? There is more than two kurosaki siblings?" Toshiro popped out, rather quickly, looking for an acknowledgment that he was indeed right.

"She's my twin, actually," Karin laughed, suddenly grabbing Toshiro's wrist to pull him into the van. Two teal eyes widened in shock, at her unusual behavior. Jinta hurried to get into the car, and was about to go and sit next to Yuzu, only to find Ururu sitting next to her, and Yuzu having taken a window seat. That was in itself irritating, and meant he would have someone between him and the girl of his dreams.

"Oi… brat… can you move?" came the sudden voice of someone he hadn't expected. The voice was rough, and seemed to be a mockery of everything he held dear, but then again, he was still a kid.

"Pineapple head…" Jinta muttered, as Renji pushed by to sit by Ururu, much to the boy's irritation. "What are you doing here?"

"I just so happen to like baseball," Renji stated, giving off that baboonish smirk of his, "And when Matsumoto mentioned this trip, I asked if I could come along. She said, the more chaperones, the better…"

"Oi… Matsumoto…" came the curt rebuff from the very back. While Jinta had to sit by the boy, he was glad that the whole concept of chaperones stung. He glanced over, and saw that Toshiro's cheeks had puffed out slightly, and that his entire body had tensed up. All was good and well.

"So… you're upset about the fact that you're being called a kid again?" Jinta suddenly stated, trying to make the small taicho even more uncomfortable. "Because you know you are…"

"Teme…" Toshiro's icy aura suddenly shot out, causing Jinta to shut up, knowing full well that was a sign not to push things further. "That isn't the case… not this time…"

The words were slightly confusing, but the van started up, and Jinta lost track of his thoughts as they drove to the stadium. That was until, he and Karin broke out in an argument of what sport was better, soccer of baseball. The heated battle went back and forth, until Karin suddenly asked Toshiro what he thought about the matter.

The small taicho had shrunk down, having to listen to their debate for the longest time, his discomfort growing. Especially after Karin had spoke up. "Kendo… if I had to pick one, it would be kendo. But between the two, soccer…"

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