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"I'll go with Shoto and Katsuki, sorry Dabi, you were and always will be a best friend to me," I said. His head hung low and walked off in defeat. I walked back with Shoto and Katsuki. The hero's tried to capture me but they explained everything.

After things and died down me, Katsuki and Shoto went to a park. There seemed to be tension between them. Wonder what it was. I leaned back when Shoto said "y/n, I need to ask you something," he said looking like his red half of his hair. I opened one eye "yea?" I replied simply. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said flustered. My eyes immediately shot open, "huh?" I asked. "Will you.. be my girlfriend?" He repeated himself. I smiled brightly and nodded hugging him tight.

It had been about 5 years since me and Shoto were dating now and he took me to a restaurant. "Wow this place is amazing!" I said as I stood in front of it, he smiled and we walked in. After dinner he took me to where we met. "y/n, remember this is the first place we met?" He said. "Of course how could I forget?" I smiled brightly. "We've been dating for 5 years now, and I've wanted to ask you this for so long, will you marry me?" He said in a calm tone, with hopeful eyes gazing into my e/c ones. I hugged him tight and said yes over and over again.

After a few years

After a few years me and Shoto had two twins and a younger baby, a girl, girl and a boy. Our sons name was s/n, and our daughters name was d/n and 2/D/n.

D/N was running around the garden playing tag with Shoto and S/N. I looked out the window as I was preparing dinner. I peeked my head around the corner, "Dinners nearly ready! Come in now!" I yelled and they headed inside. I smiled at them and continued my cooking. I felt a head rest on my shoulder. "Hello Shoto," I said as I turned around and kissed him. "Go help them set the table and I'll be there soon, okay?" I smiled and he kissed me one last time and helped them.

I placed the food at the table and we all sat down. I put 2/D/N down in her high chair and we all ate, once we were done we heard 2/D/N perk up, "mama, dada!" She said and those where her first words,


A/N: and that's it for Shoto, I hope you enjoyed. Shoto became the 3rd hero btw. That's all, I hope you liked it! Wolfi out 🐺

Explosions, Ice And Fire (Katsuki Bakugou x reader x Dabi x Shouto Torodoki)Where stories live. Discover now