Chapter 4

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"Leira, this is Nathan. He wanted to help so... can you use him?"

She looked at me critically, "A flamer huh? I don't think so, they always bring trouble." She took her hazel eyes off me.

How does she even know? "Harsh..." I mumble more to myself than to her. "But he seems like someone who might need some help and guidance so yeah, I'll work with him. Even though he probably has anger issues." Only now I took a good look at her face and saw how odd the color of her hair was, being green with a neon shine.

"Good, you better." Ronan gave Leira a stern look. So apparently he was her superior... Leira looked older though.

She sighed deeply, "Relax dude, it's not like I want him dead yet." Leira gave me an emotionless stare. Yet.

She's honest...

And I think I like it.

Not too kind and fake, like most of the others here. I grin. "Yet huh? Seems like something a psychopath would say."

Leira chuckles softly, "He's fun, I think he's kinda okay." And I suddenly get a headache. As a familiar voice resounds from within my head, hey Cut! Am I going crazy or something? There is only one person who would call me that.

"Nate?" They must've seen me clench my jaw, as my face tensed up. Cut!!! "I'm... it's okay." Trying to speak properly, hoping they don't worry too much about me.

Why do I hear him in my head?

Leira frowns, "Who's the voice?"

What? She can read minds...
"I can, being a telepath. But answer me now, who is he?"
I need to tell her. Don't want to.

"It's... He's-"
It is hurting me to say his name again.
"Hunter Wolfe... What I did, I-I murdered him."
Leira shrugged, "If that's all..."

"All?! He had a life, you know!" I can't take the carelessness in her words and explode.

A laugh, "Oh my God, that's cute. Do you think you're the only one here who's been through something like that? Guess what, when I slipped up by telling my best friend what I was she told the cops. My mother got killed protecting me before my very own eyes, now stop yelling at us and chill the fuck out!"

Woah that's... heavy.

Why did she tell me that? I wasn't even supposed to know such personal information. "Well I'm sorry for not knowing." I roll my eyes.

"I'll be back later." And she's gone. Dang why's everyone here getting angered and running away?

"It's okay Nate, guess I'll just show you around then..."

"I think I've already seen alot of this base."

"You sure?"

"I'll just rest, since you're not into training me and she's gone..."
Trying to sound mad at Leira, succeeding judging of the way Ronan looks at me now.
"It's not her fault." He's protecting the girl.
"I know." I start walking towards the door, actually it was a tiring day...

"You can't just sleep in a random bunk, number 58 is still free. Well, at least now you know where to go. Nate." He's a weird boy, that Ronan.

I'm not sure whether I like him saying my name that often, it's as if he knows me.

He doesn't.

Doesn't he?

I should stop being so uncertain about things, it's quite the unhealty thing for my mind. I close my eyes and just breathe for a minute, just me and my thoughts. At least... for now. 

I walk past the beds looking at the little plates for the number 58. People are watching me, probably because they never saw me before. Actually... screw this, i don't even want to sleep yet. I'm going back out. And so i close the huge doors and get back into town.

I want to go home.

But now i can't and it's all because of one mistake. A life. If only i had acted differently this shit wouldn't have happened. No. It would've happened sooner or later, i'm not the only one to blame. Why's my body like this anyways! And once again flames ignite around me...

It's tiring.

"You should accept what you are. Don't worry too much about it." I turn around to take a look at who said it, a young  boy in a blue hoodie. He was staring at me, being unafraid of the fire. Probably a mutt too. He just grinned, "Well big surprise, there's someone who doesn't give a fuck about what you can do." Quite careless, i could murder him in a bit. Do i want to, knowing how it kills me if i do? "Go away, i don't need someone acting like they're stronger." I scowl. He raises a brow, "Acting, you say? What if i just AM stronger, want to risk it?" 

I don't care anymore, wanted to be gone.

"It isn't really a risk, i would even be happy if you were -as you said- able to kill me." He laughs, "Who said i'd kill you? Torturing is more my type of thing." He shrugged. "Talking is boring, let's fight!" And with that he took off his hood, revealing two wolf ears as hands turned into claws. He jumped up, unnaturally high.

A wolf huh?

I smile, making a shield with fire as i awaited the scream. A kick in my side. Can't... Breathe... How did he? He's fire-resistant. Smart. The clothing on his leg has burned through and now i can see the suit underneath it. "Did you think i was some dumb-ass little kid?" So he has brains, this'll be though for me.

An exciting challenge.

I must hit him where his suit can't protect him. He's too quick for that now, though. I'm going to tire him out untill I can get a hit. "Come on then!" I yell at him. Have to duck! I barely avoided that slash... "That face you made." I can tell he's doing his best not to burst out in laughter. "It's hilarious." 

"Really?" I say dead serious, raising a brow. My coldness must've annoyed him because the next moment i find myself trapped under him. 

"Don't you DARE ruin my fun, Nathan..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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