Chapter 1

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Living my life being bullied... it was gonna end today, I don't care whether it was him or me leaving.

I'm fucking done with it.

"Hey Cut!" MY NAME IS NATHAN. Without an expression I turn around to face him, Hunter Wright. He knows I hate that name and smirks, "What's wrong weirdo?"

"Not today..." I'm not sure if I can handle this, not sure whether I can control myself around him. "So you think I will stop just because you say 'not today'?" He gets angry, yells at me.

"I said not today!"  I scream out with a deep growl.

The noise, don't yell...please

I feel something different... warm, in my fingertips, as my breathing grew heavier. "No? Well let's see about that... What're you going to do huh, Cut?!"

Don't. . .

"Keep on talking like that if you want to find out." I had no idea what I was doing, just wanted it to stop. He laughed, being confident as he cracked his neck and tensed up his body."I'll make you cry for your mother if you dare..." And that was IT. The last drop has fallen.

"Warned ya." I'm over the top angered right now. I throw a punch in his face and as I do it, flames ignite around my fist. Eyes wide open, broken. I keep on hitting him untill he's broken too, broken and burning. First he tries to fight back, eyes filled with fear. His cries and screams turn into complete silence, as my hands get covered in blood. 

"I hope he was good friends with the Devil, looks like he'll be seeing him soon..." I tell his friends and everyone who saw it before walking of. It was the coldness after a daze of fury.

What the FUCK did I just do?!

Did I kill him? But I didn't mean to actually end his life... just wanted him to shut the fuck up, to make him leave me alone.

The road home was long, too long to be alone with myself.

Would the cops come after me now? So many people saw it happen, so many people that hate me now... I- I have to run, get away from here. They'll search me now, I'm locked up or dead when they find me... Don't, can't, let them find me. 

I stand in front of my house, hesitating. What if the school already called my mother? I braced myself and decided to sneak in through the window, silent like a shadow, I was there and yet I wasn't. Someone is crying in the living room, I ignore it and start putting my stuff in a backpack. Photographs, a hand-carved wolf that my dad made for me, and then the necessary things like clothes and such... I leave a note on my desk.

Sorry mom, 

I did something wrong and now I can't turn it back. I'm leaving this place, it's the best for me and you'll see that too... Don't forget that I still love you.

kisses, Nathan

I jump back out the window. "There!" My neighbours, crying. Pointed at me... I killed their son. "We found him!" Panic, i've never been in this sort of situations and have no idea what to do. RUN NOW. I listen to the voice and sprint away. Breathing heavily, in, out, in, out. I was the hunter for a moment, now I'm being hunted for it. They are coming closer. A dead end...

But is it? Scanning for an escape, trash cans. I quickly move and jump on them, climbing on the wall after I did so. Luckily for me, the trash cans fell over right after I jumped. The two of them stood there, knowing they wouldn't make it if they tried. 

"I'm sorry, so sorry..." I put up my hood and jump off at the other side. 

The change is only just beginning...

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