"Are you done? I have to pee." Jacob, Jess' little brother, exclaimed while crossing his legs. I chuckled and moved out of the way for him to pass.

"It's all yours." I said to him. He ran for it.

Right when he passed by I ruffled his hair, he in turn moved my hand away while frowning at me. He hates it when I do that. Before he could say anything, Jess grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room closing the door behind her. I smiled, but then immediately covered my nose with my shirt not wanting to smell the Chinese food again in case it made me feel sick.

"I took it back down stairs and opened the window." Jess said after seeing my reaction. I sighed thankfully and put my shirt down slowly making sure the smell was gone, and surely it was.

"Thanks." I said to her. I sat on her bed cross legged while she kept staring at me with a strange look. "What?" I asked her fed up.

"Why did you throw up? You're not sick." She stated. I shrugged.

"I don't know... The food we ate earlier was probably bad." I shrugged guessing. It's probably nothing. I don't know why she's making a big deal out of it. I might just be coming down with the stomach flu. Jess scoffed.

"It didn't do anything to me." She said. That's true.

"Stomach flu." I guessed. She shook her head.

"No, you ate in the morning and you were perfectly fine." She said.

"You're making a big deal out of this." I told her grimacing.

"I have a... Theory." She said.

"What's your theory?" I asked amused, wanting to hear this.

"You're pregnant." She said as a matter of fact without stuttering making my heart skip a beat. My amusement was long gone. It can't be though... I bit my lip.

"B-but..." I said at lost for words. I can't be. Chris and I use protection all the time, plus the doctor told me it was going to be hard for me to get pregnant, obviously she was wrong. I'm sure we use protection all the time...

"It's just a theory." Jess said trying to calm me from panicking. "I mean... When was your last period?" Jess asked me. I thought back to my last period...

"What's today's date?" I asked. I can't remember today's date. That's what happens when summer comes and you don't have school.

"Uh..." Jess said pulling out her phone to look at the date, "August 4th." Jess looked back up at me waiting for my answer. I thought back to July... I gasped. Last time I had my period was June, around the 15... Shit. Shit. Shit. Big shit.

How could I have not noticed!? Jess must have realized I missed my period because of her next words. "I'm going down to the store to get you a test k?" She said to me.

I stared into space not responding to her. My heart was racing wildly. What's going to happen if I am pregnant!? I'm not finished with college yet and neither is Chris! Shit Chris. My heart started racing.

How is he going to take it? Will he want a kid? How are we going to raise a baby right now? Chris has a job, but it's not a job where he makes a lot of money and I don't make a lot of money with my job either. And my dad! My mom! Allan! Oh my god! What are they going to think? They're going to go crazy...

Why would they though? I'm 21, it's not like I'm 16... But still, I am in so much trouble. I started hyperventilating, pacing around Jess' room. I looked around noticing she was gone. She must have gone for the test, but it's no use... The signs are all there. I missed a month and a half, I just threw up, and I'm starving all the time. This also explains why I've been sleeping for a longer amount of time too. Oh god... I started sweating, feeling suffocated. Is it hot in here or is it just me? Just then the door opened with Jess entering, a black grocery bag in her hand. That was awfully quick. How long was I panicking for?

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