it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt

289 14 13

song - grade 8: ed sheeran

TW: homophobic slurs

Cady wakes up the sound of her alarm and automatically rushes to the bathroom. The burning sensation in her throat slowly turns into her retching into the toilet. She lets out a large groan, quickly cleaning herself up. She takes her temperature, worrying that she might be sick. 101.5. Great. She washes her face with some cold water and starts her normal morning routine. She makes herself some tea, watching Nala use the bathroom.

She decides against wearing makeup, as she is already running late. She pulls on some black leggings, an oversized blue tye-dye with Stitch in the corner, and a pair of black high top Converse. She grabs her bag and heads downstairs, knowing that Janis is probably already waiting for her.

To her surprise, both Janis and Damian are waiting for her. Damian is itching to leave, knowing the cast list for Heathers has been posted.

"Good morning, Caddie. What took you so long?" Janis questions.

"I woke up late. I didn't want to get out of bed," Cady lies, smiling a little, trying to play it off.

Damian practically drags both girls to school, rambling about the cast list. Janis and Cady laugh the whole way there, purposefully walking slow to piss Damian off.

The second they arrive to school, Damian runs to the choir room, pulling Cady along behind them. Damian pushes through the groups of people that stand in his way, determined to get to that cast list.

The second they get to the choir room, Damian rushes up to the cast list. He lets out a small scream of excitement. Cady walks up behind him, sneaking a peak.

Veronica Sawyer.

And the name directly across from it.

Is Cady Heron.

Cady lets out a scream, "Holy shit! I'm Veronica!"

"Oh my fuck, that's amazing, Caddie!" Janis yells, picking Cady up and spinning her around. Cady lets out a laugh.

"I'm fucking Ram Sweeney let's go my dudes," Damian laughs, pulling both girls in for a hug.

All three of them walk to homeroom, compliments and a slew of congratulations following Cady and Damian. The first time that Cady has ever felt like she belonged somewhere. Like people could actually tolerate her.

And she has never been happier.


Cady's day goes on, happiness radiating off of her. Everyone around her congratulates her on her role, a smile permanently on her face for the whole day.

Until she gets to lunch. Her fever finally caught up to her, and she was paler than normal as she met up with Janis and Damian.

"Caddie, no offense, but you look like shit," Janis says, looking Cady up and down.

"I just have a headache, that's all," Cady responds, looking down.

Janis places her forearm to Cady's forehead. "Jesus fucking Christ, Caddie you're burning up! Alright, I'm taking you to the nurse, and you're going home," Janis exclaims.

Cady groans as Janis pulls her to the nurse's office, knowing that she's going to be spending the day alone.


Sure enough, the nurse sends Cady home, allowing Janis to take her home. Janis holds Cady's hand on the way to her house, making small conversation.

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