1. Name

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Elliot didn't know how much longer he could take it. He had been stuck at home all day having to listen to all the "Emily"s and the "she"s and "her"s and all the misgendering his family did on a daily basis. Luckily they were leaving soon to bring his older sister to a gymnastics meet.

"Emily are you sure you don't want to come?" His mom asked for the thousandth time.

"I'm positive." He replied, "I'll make myself food and stuff. Have fun at the meet."

"Let's go Mom!" His older sister, Laura, called from downstairs.

"Alright. Bye." His mom said closing the door to his room.

He heard his mom walk downstairs, close the front door, and lock it. Then he watched from his window as his dad's grey car pulled out of the driveway and drove off.

"Finally." Elliot muttered with a sigh.

Today had been pretty dysphoric for him and his family definitely didn't help. He tried to ignore the swell of tears as he laid down on his bed. Then he got a message.

Carter❤️: Hey! You wanna hang tonight? We can watch movies and eat McDonald's!!

He smiled softly, This nerd always knows how to make me feel better.

Elliot texted back, I would love to, alas I have no ride so we have to do it at my house

Carter❤️: Deal! Ten piece chicken nugget with sweet and sour sauce, fries, and a cherry coke?

Elliot: You know it, thanks babe

Carter❤️: Anytime

Elliot: I like really needed this

Carter❤️: Family? Dysphoria? Anxiety?

Elliot: Family and dysphoria

Carter❤️: Oof babe that sucks, you need an Oreo flurry then

Elliot: Thanks you dork

Carter❤️: No problem, I'll be there in like 15 minutes

About 15 minutes later, there was a knock on Elliot's door. He walked downstairs and opened it. Immediately Carter came in holding a McDonald's bag and a cardboard drink holder with two medium drinks and two Oreo flurries. He headed to the living room as Elliot closed the door, locked it, and headed to the living room as well.

Carter set the food and drinks down on the coffee table and gave Elliot a quick kiss, "Hey Elliot." He said with a grin.

"Hey." Elliot said, returning the grin.

Elliot immediately felt better, from hearing his name and just from being around Carter in general. The two boys sat down on the couch, beginning to dig into the McDonald's. Elliot flipped on the TV.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked, taking a sip of his soda.

"Uhhhhh like....I honestly have no idea." Carter chuckled.

"This was all your idea babe, you're picking the movie." Elliot pointed out.

"Oh! How about Phantom?" Carter asked.

"Sounds good with me." Elliot grinned.

He searched up Phantom of the Opera and started the movie when he found it. The two quickly became enamored in the movie as they ate their food. When both of them were done, Carter wrapped his arms around Elliot, who blushed slightly.

"Hey, guess what?" Carter whispered to Elliot.

"What?" Elliot whispered back.

"I love you, Elliot." Carter grinned.

"That's gay." Elliot smirked.

Carter rolled his eyes, "I know. But I'm gay for you."

"I'm gayer for you." Elliot smirked, then he got a text message.

Mom: Hey Emily, awards are starting soon. Just checking in, how are you doing? I'll give you a text when we leave.

Elliot: I'm doing fine and ok.

He sighed and clicked off his phone, "Did she call you that name again?" Carter asked, Elliot nodded.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to call you Elliot as many times as possible." Carter said.

"You're like literally the best." Elliot said, kissing Carter.

"I know, Elliot." Carter grinned.

Sometimes just being called by his name made Elliot feel 1000 times better. And no one knew that better than Carter.

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