**Chapter 7**

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Alica's P.O.V.
I wake up and go to the boys house like I've been trying to do the past few days but he kept telling me to stay at home instead but today i'm surprising him and Corbyn gave me the adress even though he hasn't been there for a few days he says him and the boys left to go to their parents, I get in my car and drive to the boys house when I get there I look under the window sill thing to get the key like Corbyn told me to, damn their house is huge, I walk inside and instantly regret it, I hear moaning I'm scared because I know it might be Zach and I go up and sure enough it's coming from the room all the way too the left which Corbyn told me was Zach's I bang on the door and I hear Zach talking to someone telling her to hide or whatever he opens the door in only pants and I see his face and say "What the heck I thought you said you loved me you wanted me to be your girlfriend, I knew I shouldn't have gone this fast into the relationship"
Then I start crying, I didn't yell because I know yelling only makes it worst then I say "who is she"
then Zach hugs me and says "I'm sorry I just I don't know, I made a huge mistake"
I nod my head, no not being able to speak then I go inside his room to see CHRISTINA I say "What the fuck Christina You and Corbyn have been dating for four fucking years and you cheat on him, he does not deserve this"
Christina says "Well if he's so nice and doesn't deserve this then why don't you date him"
I say "Because I don't like Corbyn like that"
She says "whatever I need to leave"
I just let her walk past me and then I start to follow so I can get home but I get pulled back by Zach, he grabs my wrists and pulls me back towards him I smack him in the face and say "YOU messed up so YOU get to suffer not me not no 'baby please I'm sorry" No I'm not gonna feel bad for your mistake you made"
and with that, I left.
I get home and go to my room and the tears start flowing down I text Corbyn
Alicia: Hey Corbyn, do you know if you can come to my house for a bit
Corbyn: why? what's up? (up up up up up up- hooked by wdw heh)
Alicia: I just need to talk to you in person
Corbyn: Um ok I'll be there whats the address
Alicia: *** *******
Corbyn: Okay omw
Alicia: Ok thanks Corbs ttyl
Corbyn: ttyl
Corbyn walks in and Hugs me instantly noticing I was crying he says "What's the wrong bean"
I say "Um Zach cheated on me"
Corbyn says "That bastard, I'm going to go yell at him for that, who did he cheat on you with and how"
I say "He had sex"
he says "With who though"
I say "Um Christina"
He looks at me then he tilts his head and says "MY girlfriend Christina"
I nod my head slowly He says "I'll be back later and we can cuddle and eat ice cream and cuddle okay"
I look at his smile and nod then he leaves.
Corbyn's P.O.V.
I say "MY girlfriend Christina"
Alicia slowly nods, I feel the tears coming so I make up an excuse and tell her I'll be back she gives me a sad smile then nods and I run off to my car, once I get in my car I start crying as if Alicia knew I heard a knock on my passenger side I look up to see Alicia I unlock the doors and she gets in and hugs me, I smile and hug her back then she says "Hey look at me, I learned this a bit ago, Don't cry, she doesn't deserve your tears she's a bitch okay"
I chuckle at the end and nod then we drive off to my house we go in and Alicia is looking out for Zach so she doesn't run into him when we walk into the living room and there he is, my good ole pal Zach, I walk right up to him and as if he knew it was coming he blocked his face but I still ended up slapping him, Jonah gets up and grabs me and says "Corbyn what the fuck"
I turn back and see Alicia shocked I say "Zach why the fuck would you cheat on Alicia with CHRISTINA"
Alicia runs up and hugs me making me calm down a bit but Zach replies with "Yes I'm very dumb what do you think I cheated on the love of my life because I felt worthless and I felt as if I need someone to talk to so I texted Christina and then she came over and she kissed me and so I don't know why but I kissed back an that ended with something I really regret"
At this point, Alicia hid her face into my back and I could tell she was crying because my shirt was getting wet, I turn around and hug her tight and I whisper in her ear "Hey bean don't cry everything is going to be okay"
Then I turn around one last time and say harshly "Fuck you, Zach, you never deserved this angle"
and with that, we left.
oh, shit bitches it's getting really bad!!!!

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