Chapter 17: PISSWILLY

Comincia dall'inizio

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" I heard Rose laugh from some where close by.

*Face palm* STAKE ME NOW! Ha, like that would work. I sat down at my desk and threw the books across the room. Evil little things. Maybe Rose will be more mature once we have a child. I wonder what he or she will be like.

~*~ Sebastian's Day dream~*~

"Hey Sebastian!" Rose said walking with a little girl that looked like me.


Awwww! I picked up the little girl and smiled.


I paused. What if she's like Rose? No I can't even think about that it will give me chills. I got on my computer and saw that the background had been changed to a picture of a white van. "What happened to my background?!"

"Hahahahahaha...hahahahahahahahahahhahahhaha...HA!" I heard Rose laugh.

I should have known. "SEBASTIAN!" Casper called out angerly.


"YOU NEED TO CONTROL YOUR WOMAN," He said angrily," She painted a ghost on my portrait! Right over my face!"


Both of our eyes narrowed.

"ROSE!" We yelled in unison.

~*~ Rose's POV~*~

Ha, that's what they get for eating my cookies! I screamed when I felt arms wrap around me. "Shh! It's just me." Sebastian said.

I stopped screaming and relaxed a little. "Why are you all alone," he asked," I do believe that I told you to always have someone with you."

I stuck my tongue out at him. He grabbed my tongue with his fingers. WHAT THE FUCK?! "I'll give you your tongue back if you quit with the stupid pranks."

"And if I don't," I asked but it sounded more like," An if I ont?"

"Then I guess I'll just have a tongue less bride." He said.


He let go of my tongue and smiled. Idiot. "And to think the masquerade ball is tonight!"

WHAT?! TONIGHT?! "Huh?!"

"Master Sebastian!" A butler with white hair called out.

He looks like Batman's butler! FACE PALM! Why does Sebastian always do that? "Yes?"

"It's time for you and Mrs. Knight to get fitted." He said all fancy like.


"Hold still!" The maid said while sticking me with pins.


"Well if you kept still I wouldn't poke you!" She replied.


"There all done." She said.

I sat there and waited as she sewed. I gasped when Sebastain entered the room. He looked like the mad hatter from my dream! Yes the designers got it right! "It appears that I'm the mad hatter from Alice In Wonderland."

Hehehehe! "Yep!" I said smiling.

"I wonder who came up with it."

"I have no idea." I said looking away.

The maid came back holding a beautiful white, fluffy dress. "And done!"The maid said cheerfully.

"I'm going to be a marshmallow?" I asked.

FACE PALM! "No your going to be a fairy!"

"Really!" I asked.

"NO! I was being sarcastic! Your Cinderella!" He said shaking his head.

"How original." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"I think you will look lovely. Now get ready, I'll see you later, when your done."

Sebastian kissed my forehead and left.

The maid did my hair and make up and I swear I can still taste hair spray. I gasped when something blocked my breathing. "WHAT THE FUCK?! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" I yelled as she put a constrictor on me.

"Calm down! It's just a corset!" She said.

By the time she was done putting me in the death trap I couldn't breath well. If I have to wear these when I become a princess I will kill myself! AND WHAT THE FUCK IS A CORSET?!

I put the white fluffy marshmallow on. It's a pretty dress for a marshmallow. I opened the box that she handed me. WHAT THE FUDGE CAKE? It's a pair of glass slippers. Wow, really going all out here. They even have the heart on them. I carefully slipped them on. HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO WALK AROUND IN BREAKABLE SHOES! I bet this was Sebastian's idea. That stupid pisswilly! Haha! That's a funny word.








Haha! Love that word.




"Rose are you done?" I heard Sebastian ask.

"PISSWILLY!" I yelled.

"What the fuck? Are you high?"

I walked out of the closet. "Not yet. I was about to then I heard your voice, so I came out of the closet!" I paused for a second before almost falling to the ground laughing.

"What's so funny?" He asked confused.

"HAHAHAHAHA...I said..HAHAHAHAHA...I came out..HAHAHAHAHA...the closet!" I said in between laughter.


"It sounds like I'm telling you that I'm gay."I said.

"So your happy?" He asked.

"No, the other gay."

"Your so dirty minded and weird." He said shaking his head.

"I know!"

He looked me up and down," You look beautiful."

NO BITCH IM DAMN SEXY! "You don't look so bad yourself!" I said and winked.

"Come on,let's go."

He held my hand in his and we entered the ballroom.


Thank you for reading! ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ I hope that you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm not gonna spoil anything, but the next chapter or so will have some very special suprises! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆Heehehe! And don't forget to vote! Love you all...unless u no vote ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ! So vote today!


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