Chapter 3: Edward

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Hello lovelies! We meet again! I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll try to make it long! AND PLEASE VOTE!


Chapter 3

I walked into a beautiful garden in the middle of the forest full of beautiful red and white roses. I skipped around happily. Butterflies danced around me and some landed on my arm. I couldn't help, but to smile. The sunlight touched everything leaving it warm and whole. But then out of nowhere the sun started to fade. The butterflies turned into dark smoke that lingered around me. The roses turned a shade of gray then they became black. In the dark a pair of red eyes appeared. I began to run, but something grabbed my arm. I screamed as loud as I could. The man stared down at me with his red eyes, then he smiled reviling a pair of white, sharp fangs. Then he lowered his head down to my neck and I felt a sharp pain.

My eyes flashed open. SHIT! It was just a dream, thank god! But wait a vampire.....vampire? Oh, SHIT! I saw a guy who was sucking on some woman's blood. But vampire's can't be real! Can they? I looked over and saw a window and blurry things that passed by. I looked left and saw the man from last nigt, driving. I flinched and got as close to the car door as I could. HOLY FUCK, HOLY FUCK,HOLY FUCK! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT,SHIT,SHIT,SHIT,SHIT,SHIT! "Is that your favorite word or something?" The man said and I jumped.

"I didn't say anything!"

"No, but you thought it." He replied.

My eyes widened, HOLY FUCK IT'S EDWARD CULLEN! He hissed,he actually hissed! "I assure you I do not sparkle in the sunlight. Besides all vampires can read thoughts."

SO HE IS A VAMPIRE! HOLY FUCK! I heard him sigh. I WANNA GO HOME! " It's your fault that you're here."


He placed his hand over my mouth,"Quiet down, I'm right here, no need to shout!"

I glared at him then bit his hand. He pulled his hand away, but not before slapping me. OUCH! I placed my hand on my cheek. IF I WAS JUST GOING TO BE TREATED LIKE THIS MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE LET MOM HAVE HER WAY! GOD I FUCKING HATE VAMPIRES! I looked back over at him studying him.

He had longish black hair, pale-ass-skin, and the lightest blue eyes I've ever seen. I thought vampires would have been goth, but I guess they aren't. I wonder if they sleep in coffins and if the sun kills them. He snickered,"No coffins. Sunlight doesn't kill us or make us sparkle,it only hurts our eyes. "


"So your off Black Butler?" (Black_rose- sorry had to do that! ^_^ and for those of you who don't know Black Butler is an anmie and the buttler's name is Sebastian, yeah)

He glared at me. So he knows what I'm talking about. "My niece thinks anime and manga is interesting."

"So where are you taking me?"

"Well,"He said,"I'm takinging you to my house."

I paused,"And why is that?"

"Well, since you now know about vampires you will either become one yourself, become a vampire's slave, or be a vampire's pet."

"Is a pet like a slave?"

"It's kinda like how you have a dog or a cat." He explained.

Great, I thought sarcastically. I'M SO BORED! "So Edward, how long till we get there?"

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