Leather & Lace ~Cuero y Encaje

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A/N: Bases on song by Stevie Nicks and Don Henley

"Babe," Angel said coming into the bathroom.

You stuck your head out of the shower door. "Yea,"

"EZ, Coco and Gilly are on their way over now."

You gave him a sad look, "I thought they were coming over tonight after I left."

"Coco and Gilly want to start the poker game early."

"Okay, I guess I'll make sure to put clothes on before coming downstairs."

He smirked, "That's why I warned you." He leaned in to kiss you.

Angel turned to walk out of the bathroom, "Love you," You called out.

"Love you more," He said vanishing out of the door.

You finished showering and got out, wrapping yourself in a towel. Tonight, was your work gala and you were dreading it. This was one of those rare nights that you had an obligation that Angel couldn't go. You had both agreed when you first started seeing each other that your work had to be completely separate from him and the club. It was too dangerous to mix them, you were a financial advisor for a bank, and it went without saying that club business, the cartel and the financial industry didn't mix well.

Popping your head out the bathroom door you couldn't hear any voices yet, so you risked it and headed downstairs to get a glass of wine before you started getting ready. By the time you made it into the kitchen, you changed your mind and decided you'd prefer a mimosa. You were standing in the kitchen with the orange juice in hand when you felt hands on your hips.

You smiled immediately.

"You just can't keep from running around without clothes, can you?" Angel said before placing a kiss to your neck.

"I thought you preferred me without clothes on." You replied,

He grinned into your neck, "There are a time and a place for it, mi amor."

"I wanted a mimosa to drink while I got ready." You said turning in his arms to look at him. "I didn't hear any of the guys' voices."

His hands came to rest in the small of your back pulling you closer to him. "I could have made it and brought it to you."

You scrunched your face at him. "You don't put enough champagne in them."

He laughed and then we heard the familiar rumble of three Harley's.

I kissed his chin, "Will you put the bottles away so I can escape."

He kissed your lips. "Yes, but clothes before you get another, please?"

You rolled your eyes with a smile. "If you insist." You said walking towards the stairwell.

You had barely made it up the stairs when the three stooges made it in the door. You closed the door to the master bedroom and pulled on your undergarments and slid one of Angels t-shirts on. You pulled out the blow dryer and curling iron and set them up on the vanity table. You brushed out your hair and started to blow dry it. You had three hours to get ready and leave; which meant that you were going to have to focus to accomplish all of that. When your hair was finally dry you brushed it out and tied it up to get keep it out of your face. Starting in on your make up you had made it as far as putting on your primer and foundation before there was a soft knock on the door.

You jumped and then saw in the mirror that it was just Angel.

"Hey babe, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said coming to stand behind you.

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