Never Knew I Needed You ~ Nunca Supe Que Te Necesitaba

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A/N: Based on the song: Never Knew I Needed You by Ne-Yo for the Princess and The Frog Soundtrack

The clock read 7:30 PM, it was a Saturday night and you knew it would be a late one for Angel. They had templo every Saturday evening, sometimes for no reason other than to bullshit and catch up on business news. It was rare for you to see him before nine on any given Saturday, but you were okay with it, it was the life you chose to share and more often than not, he was home all day Sunday.

The house was clean, Angels dinner was in the fridge and there was nothing left on your 'to-do list' for the day. You made sure all the doors were locked, poured yourself a mimosa and made your way to the bathroom. You turned on your favorite Spotify playlist and ran a hot lavender Epsom salt bubble bath. Ever since you were a little girl bath's were your favorite pastime, your parents used to joke that you were a mermaid stuck on land. Grabbing an extra towel and washcloth you set them on the stool next to the tub, you lit the handful of candles that were arranged on the vanity and placed an additional two in the corner ends of the tub. Satisfied with the candle lighting you turned off the overhead lights and undressed.

Climbing in the tub you were meet with goosebumps all the way up your legs as you lowered yourself down. The water was steaming hot, the initial sting subsided as you laid back, your muscles melting in relaxation. Closing your eyes, you zoned out and focused on your breathing and listened to music softly in the background. Things had fallen into a routine since the deal between the Cartel and the Rebels; Angel couldn't go into details just promised that things would be more mellow now. So far, his promise was being kept.

"Mi Amor?" Angel called out

"Bathroom." You hollered back.

You heard the thumps of his footsteps down the hall and saw his shadow appear in the doorway.

"How was templo?" You asked.

"Good, how was your day?" He said coming to sit on the stool next to the tub.

"Decent, got the housework done, finished working reviewing last weeks invoices from the scrap yard. Dinner's in the fridge for you. I can get out and warm it up for you."

Angel smiled, "No, stay, relax. It can wait. Imma go grab a beer and come sit with you."

You smiled at him. "Okay."

He was gone only for a minute, returning with a beer in hand missing all his clothing but his boxers. Angel sat on the stool next to you and you held out your hand for his.

"No work tomorrow?" I asked.

"My only job tomorrow is showing you how much I love you." He answered with a smile.

"Smooth," I laughed.

"Pop asked if we'd come have dinner with him and EZ. I told EZ I'd talk to you but didn't set anything in stone."

"I'd love to have dinner with the whole Reyes family." You smiled.

"I'll call him in the morning."

You sat in silence for a moment as he drank his beer. He stood up and placed a soft kiss to the top of my head. I looked at him confused as he picked up my phone, he skipped through a handful of songs before stopping on one and making his way to the tub.

"Scoot forward, mi amor." He requested.

He stepped out of his boxers and climbed behind you in the tub. The water sloshed as he settled in behind you. Angel wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back into his chest; he hummed along to the beat of the music. You laughed when you finally noticed which song it was.

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