Chapter 1

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'Miss Jones, Miss Jones, are you alright? '

'huh sorry what, where am I ?' I opened my eyes to find myself sat up in a chair in a well decorated small room , a man was standing in front of me , I couldn't make out his face , but he was tall , oh so helpful,

'you have an appointment, if you are feeling unwell perhaps you should go home and rest'

'no its fine, I’m ok'

'you sure, I’ll take you home if you wish'

'really I’m fine, thank you'

'as you wish' he lead me into a bigger room , there were two levels , the first level looked like a huge study and on the second level was a massive library , so many books , well it is a library,

'how have you been lately'

'Hmmm, oh fine, just fine' I didn't sound very convincing, and he noticed,

'forgive me Miss Jones, but are you sure you are well? '

'I don't know, I can't remember a thing before I woke up here, I can't even remember your name or even why I’m here'

'perhaps stress or even a traumatic event has caused a sudden amnesia, causing a complete eration of any previous or even recent memories'

'perhaps, yes' perhaps no

'I have a book upstairs based on the facts and troubles of the mind and memories, would you like to borrow it for a while? '

'oh yes please'

'ok, I will be back shortly' anything to get him out of the room, he hasn't even told me his name, what is he hiding? , what is he trying to hide? why is it so important?

Whilst he was out of sight, I decided to take a look around his desk to see what I could find out , I noticed a few drawings of naked women on his desk and then I found a few unopened letters on his desk , I read the address labelled , my eyes grew wide with terror,

'Dr H Lecter, Dr Hannibal Lecter, oh god the serial killer, crap' I had to get help, and fast, I noticed a phone on the other side of the room, I ran over as fast as I could, I picked up the phone and dialled the emergency number,

'hello? , hello , please is anyone there , please help ?' the line was dead , he knew , my eyes moved up the mirror in front of me , my eyes were frozen solid , he was standing right behind me.

I opened my mouth to scream , but his arms quickly shot out , he wrapped one of his long muscular arms around my midsection , he then clamped a cloth over my face to silence me , I struggled hard against him , but he held me tight in his grip , quickly deducing what he was using the cloth for , I held my breath and relaxed slightly , he was suddenly trying to squeeze the life out of me , trying to force me to take a breath ,

'you have to breath soon' he was scaring me now, was he trying to kill me? , I don't know how much longer I could keep this up? defeat seemed like my only option at the moment , but I wasn't going to make it easy for him , I tried to wriggle out of his grip and get some air , but he only squeezed me tighter , screaming won’t help , no one would hear me,

'how much longer can you hold your breath? '

I, I couldn't any longer, it only took one short intake of the sweet scent for it to invade my body,

'now let it take you' the room started to get dark and fuzzy, wonder if this is what death is like? , minus the bear hug , it was pretty painless , even though it may not be death , his breath sent a shiver down my body as he pulled me close to him , energy was now streaming out of my body like a river ,

' a possession close to the heart' I collapsed into his arms, into a nightmare.

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