Part 2

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Harry,Ginny and Ron had never seen Hermione looking so happy and airy,she'd always been such a composed,responsible woman,yet now she was as playful as ever!

Harry and Ginny were suprised and happy with such good news.There may have even been a few tears yet,thats not mine to say.

The news soon spread through the Weasley/Granger family,everyone feeling happy for the couple and for Ron who would be the last in line to have a child out of his siblings.

Ginny popped in often with presents for the baby and Harry gave pep-talks on helpful baby tips.

Hermione had never loved something more then how much she loved that little bump,some days when the pain was to much or Hermione was being sick again she simply felt pleased in knowing that she was going to bear her very own child.

It was a feeling hard to describe but surly other mothers would feel the same,right?

"Are you alright 'mione?"Ron was making dinner and had come with a hot cup of tea for Hermione who was groaning on the couch,holding her three month old baby bump.

"Mmhm"Hermione said,sitting up to get her tea"Just a few cramps".Ron looked worridly at Hermione she wasn't that far into her pregnancy,how come she was getting so many cramps?Surly this wasn't normal.

"Maybe,we should go to St Mungos?"Ron suggested as Hermione choked back some tea with a painful wezz.

"Its fine,really"Hermione insisted.Ron looked at his strong,but stubborn partner.he hated seeing her in such pain what would he do once she was in labour.He'd have to be the strong and brave,too.

"I might just go to the loo..."Hermione trailed off as she tried to stand,grabbing onto Ron with a particularly painful gasp.

"I'm fine"Hermione said before he could say anything.She helped herself up the stairs as Ron watched helplessly.

It had been about half an hour when Ron went to see of Hermione was alright." 'Mione?"He called through the bathroom door.

"Ron"Hermione opened the door and fell into Ron's arms,as pale as ever with a scared look on her face"Im bleeding".

Why Me?//Romione Love Story(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora