Chapter 7....

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I'M BACK! So I'm back from holiday and go back to school in a week *groans* I'm so sorry that its been so long since I've uploaded and I'll try to get back on track now. And also why am always so tired? I still refuse to believe that my lack of sleep, due to reading fanfic all night, has anything to do with it. Anyway, I really would like some reviews, they just make me feel nice and spur me to write more, but its up to you. And now I have a mug of coffee and Lucy Spraggan playing so i hand you my latest attempt at a chapter...

Hermione and Severus were having a great deal of fun with their secret relationship in the weeks leading up to the christmas holidays. They shared chaste kisses in deserted corridors, lustful glances across the classroom, peaceful walks down by the lake.

Hermione was day dreaming about a particularly passionate kiss they had shared at the back of the library earlier in the week when Lily's voice brought her back to reality.

"'Mione, stop thinking about Snape and get on with you Charms essay!" She scolded.

"Huh, wha- I wasn't thinking about Severus." Hermione replied worried and still a little dazed.

"I'm not stupid 'Mione. I know you're having a thing with him. You're practically my sister. I do notice when your eye fucking in transfiguration."

"Oh God Lil's, do you think anyone else knows?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Not yet. Remus is onto you but the others are too stupid to realise." Lily reassured her.

"You won't tell anyone will you? I mean we're planning to go official aft-"

"Don't worry 'Mione! I won't tell a soul." Lily said cutting Hermione off. "But now that we're open with it I want all the details." Lily said laughing. "Actually on second thoughts, this is Severus we're talking about so keep it to yourself." She added, Hermione joining in on the laughter. They continued there essays in content silence as the sun faded and the moon rose.

The next morning was a Saturday and although it was blisteringly cold Hermione wrapped up and took a stroll down to the forbidden forest where she knew some baby unicorns were residing. They were her favourite magical creature, maybe with the exception of Buckbeak. Thinking about Buckbeak made her think about Harry and Ron and her parents and everything that she had left behind. She ran flat out towards the forest and found her favourite small clearing where she collapsed bring her knees up to her chin holding on for dear life as tears cascaded down her cheeks with a breathy sobs shaking her fragile body.

Severus had just passed through the large oak doors planning to follow Hermione down to the forest when he saw her begin to run. Thinking that something must be wrong he sped up his pace as well and tried his best to catch up with her. He slowed when he got to the forest trying to find where she had dissapeared to. Hearing a distant sob he ran towards the noise a came across Hermione curled in a ball in the middle of their favourite clearing. Conjuring a small slightly misshapen sofa he lifted Hermione with ease and carried her over to the sofa. He didn't say a word, he knew she would talk when she was ready. He simply sat cradling Hermione while he stroked her hair and making soft shh-ing noises.

Eventually Hermione's shaking subsided and her sobs changed into the occasional sniffle. After a few more minutes she sat up and stared sadly into Severus eyes with her own round amber ones.

"Thanks" She whispered.

"Missing home?" He asked simply, knowing her too well. Nodding she snuggled back into Severus as he lightly kissed her forehead. Neither knew how long they were out there for but when they finally returned to the castle lunch had started and a puffy eyed and red nosed Hermione did not want to enter late and draw attention to herself.

"I have some food in my dorm we can eat up there." Hermione stated.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm a man."

"As much as me being a lesbian may fufill some odd fantasies off yours, yes i have noticed that you're not a woman." Hermione laughed.

"I assure you Hermione my fantasies include nothing more than you and me and we are both completely straight. My point was that men are not allowed into girls dorm's." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"you didn't know? Men can enter if they have the girls consent." She replied in a 'duh' tone of her own watching Severus' mouth form a round o shape. "Lets get going then." dragging Severus up the stairs behind her, waiting for them to move to the right place. They went through the portrait hole, thoroughly distressing the Fat Lady with Severus' presence. They walked up the tower stairs to the girls dorm, Severus' knuckles whitening from the death grip he was performing on the banister. He sighed when he reached the top and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Severus stopped at the door, something about going into the girls dorm felt very wrong.

"Gods 'Rus just get in here, you're not going to trip over a bra or something." Hermione said turning on him and dragging him to sit on her bed. Seeing he was still nervous she sat in front of him and placing a hand on his shoulder leaned in to brush her lips against his. She felt him relax as he began to move his mouth against hers while his hand found its way to hip. Leaning back and pulling Severus down on top of her she deepened the kiss and licked his bottom lip asking for entrance. Granting it immediately Severus brought his tongue out to meet hers and fought hers for control.

A high pitched yelp snapped there heads towards the door.

Welcome to cliffhangers, I'm sure you're going to love them! I'll try and upload as much as possible but I'm back to school soon and actually have to work this year (I never really have in the past but my dear mother is threatening to send me to live with my nan if i don't do well). I hope you like this chapter :D.  (And to kaitlanejkilgore29 I promise some Marauder action next chapter.)X

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