I grabbed the picture and kissed it. "I love you dad" I said. My phone started ringing. I looked at the phone and it was Bcrazy. "Hello ?" I answered. "Wassup mamas" he said. He sounded so sexy on the phone. "Hey B" I said. "So where yo lil man at ?" He asked. "Very funny" I said. "Nah Foreal, he was tryna come save you from me months ago" he said, "whatever, that's not my man that's my best friends older brother" I said. "Ohh okay" he said.

"Where you at ?" he asked. "Home" I said. "Can I come get you ?" He asked. "Yeah pull up imma text you my address" I said. "Ight lil mama" he said. I hung up and texted him the address. I got up took my outfit off and put my Pink outfit on with my Jordan's and brushed my hair into a messy bun. I put a lil mascara and sum lip gloss on and grabbed my Chanel purse.

Bcrazy texted me back and told me he was outside after a whole ten minutes. He must've been close by. I grabbed my keys and walked downstairs. My momma was sleep on the couch and Breezo was sitting there with his head in his hands as if he was in deep thought. "where you going ?" He asked. "Mind yo business" I snapped. I walked out and locked the door. Bcrazy was outside our big ass entry gate. I walked down to his car and got in.

"Damn mama, you live here ?" He asked. "Yeah" I said. "You a rich kid huh ?" He asked. "I guess you can say that" I said. Bcrazy stopped for a minute and looked at me. "What ?" I said. "First of all , Happy Birthday" he said. "Thanks" I said. How does he know it was my birthday ?. "Second of all, you look so fine" he said. "Thanks" I said. He pulled off.

"So where we going ?" I asked. B-crazy looked at me and smiled. "Well first imma take you round the hood wit me to do a lil business" he said. "And then what ?" I asked. He started looking at me and smiling. "I mean you wanna go get sum to eat and go to a movie or something ?" He asked me. I smiled. "Sure" I said. He turned on some NBA Youngboy and we was just riding around.

I was on my phone making videos and all on Snapchat. B-crazy looked so fine. I don't know what about him attracts me. We live in two totally different places, he is all hood and I'm all preppy and damn near white. B-crazy turnt down his radio. "I like how you tried to match me, that's cute" he said. "Boy whatever, I didn't know what you had on" I said. He laughed and turned the radio back up. He started rapping a song and rapping it to me. I was blushing.

Next thing I know his hand ended up on my thigh. I was nervous. My legs was damn near about to fall off.  Long as he don't touch me inappropriately then I am okay. I've never been touched sexually other than a boy touching my booty. I'm a virgin and I plan to stay this way for a while. We pulled up to this park. It was a whole bunch of men standing out there. They all looked about B-crazy's age, 19 and up.

"You staying in the car ?" He asked. "Nahh I'm coming" I said. "Okay rider" he said. I laughed. He opened my door and helped me hop down. I was kinda short about 5'2-5'3 ish. My mama is a inch or 2 shorter den me. We walked over to the basketball court. The men where shooting dice and there was a couple females standing there as well. Soon as we walked up everybody was staring at us. B-crazy shook up with his friends and I sat at the bench.

"Hey lil mama" said a man about B-crazy age. "Hey ?" I said as I waved. The man started walking towards me "Aye MC , don't play wit me" Said B-crazy. "Aw that's you ?" Asked MC. "Hell yeah that's me boy, come get yo pussy ass in this dice game" said B-crazy. "Ight" Said MC.  They started playing dice for a whole hour. B-crazy looked at me and gave me the head nod to head to the car. I got up and walked toward him . He shook up with his homies and we got in the car. He had a whole pocket full of money from the dice game. He took it out and put it in my hands. "Count that for me" he said. I counted out 3 thousand. "Okay you got 3 thousand 60" I said. "Okay" he said. He grabbed the money and put it in his pocket.

"Where you wanna go ?" He asked. I looked over at him. "Take me to that new pizza place, I've always wanted to eat there" I said. "Okay mama" he said. He pulled up to the pizza place and I waited as he helped me jump out his car. He smiled at me with his golds shining. He had the whole bottom row gold. B-crazy is so fine man. We walked in the pizza place and sat down. The lady took our orders then,  we just sat there. She gave us our drinks and we then just waited on the pizza.

"Why you always on yo phone ?" He asked. I moved my phone. "Cause I pay the bill" I snapped. "Smart ass mouth" he said. He snatched my phone and grabbed my hands. "Your so fine girl, yo young ass looking better den the females my age" said B-crazy. I blushed. "Thanks" I said. I looked at his tattoos on his hands. "What's 600 ?" I asked. "A gang I'm in, well it's not a gang no more it's a entertainment now" he said. "Ohh okay" I said. We just talked and talked about nothing.

"Okay here's your pizza, y'all need anything else" asked the waiter. "Nahh we good" Said B-crazy. I grabbed two slices and laid them on my plate. I grabbed the parmesan cheese and sprinkled it on the cheese. I picked up the pizza and stuffed it in my mouth. B-crazy smiled at me. "Damnnnn, you tryna gobble that pizza" he said. I laughed. "Whatever" I said.


I woke up and Breezo was gone. Finally I can get some liquor in my system. I climbed out of my bed and walked downstairs. My house was quiet. I checked my kids rooms and everybody was sleep except Karlynn. Karlynn was still gone. I went in the kitchen and looked around in my cabinets for my liquor. Breezo took my vodka, but I had Hennessy in my cabinet. I grabbed the Hennessy bottle and opened the top and started drinking it.

Tears flowed from my eyes as memories of Kendrick raced through my head. I grabbed my photo album and sat at the table looking through pictures. I smiled as I seen a picture of Kendrick and Karlynn when she was 6 years old. I flipped and seen another picture of Kendrick sitting on the couch smiling at the camera. This was the day he asked me to marry him. I put my head down and cried. "Why ? " I whispered. "Kendrick why you have to leave me" I said. "I loved you" I said. "We married, we got kids, we a family" I added.

I grabbed the Hennessy bottle and drunk it. I drunk it down til it was halfway. After a few minutes I could barely stand up straight. I staggered to the couch and laid there. I couldn't move my body was too weak.

Everything around me looked like it was spinning. My head began to hurt. All I could do is cry and cry over Kendrick. I'm still hurt and he been dead 4 whole years. My heart ain't healed from him leaving me. I had suicidal thoughts but I know if I go my kids ain't gonna have anybody.

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