Killed for the First Time

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"Being with Chrollo that night was something I never thought I would experience. In stories I've read that a man should be gentle and want to kept the moment for as long as they possibly can. Chrollo was all of those things plus more, with him I felt same..."

Dream woke up next morning to find herself sleeping on Chrollo's chest; clothes scattered on the floor. She sat up in bed, covering her chest with her  blanket. She looked at him, he was starting to wake up.

"Good morning dear." Chrollo said.

"Good morning," She said akwardly, "listen about last night...this dosen't mean we're..."

"Of course not. You just got out of a relationship, I wouldn't wan to force you into a new one."

"Okay, that's nice to know."

"Although, it wouldn't be wrong if we continued to do this. We can end it at any time."

"That sounds nice."

Their moment was interrupted by a loud banging on her door with the sound of the door bell. Dream looked to Chrollo

"Hurry up and get dressed, stay upstairs." Dream said.

The door continued to bang and the bell continued to ring. Dream came down stairs in a white backless shirt and rose pink high waisted pants.

 Dream came down stairs in a white backless shirt and rose pink high waisted pants

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Her white heels lightly clicking with every step she made.

Her white heels lightly clicking with every step she made

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"Who the hell is at my door this early." Dream muttered.

She opened the door and was face with a woman in her fifties, with light brown hair with hints of silver in a tight bun, dress in a plain all black outfit. Her blue eyes narrowed as Dream opened the door.

"Mother May, how are you this morning?" Dream asked with a fake smile.

"Why weren't you at your wedding yesterday!?" May demanded.

"May, Copper is dead. You are aware."

"Yes I am very aware my son is dead! Which meant you were to marry Jasper."

May stormed into her house uninvited. Dream clenched her fist and took and deep breath before closing the front door.

"We need to discuss your wedding plans with Jasper." May said.

"Of course," Dream nodded, "let me go upstairs and get the planner."

"Hurry up."

Dream went upstairs and opened her door to find Chrollo fully dressed as he was putting on his jacket.

"Who was at the door?" Chrollo asked.

"My soon-to-be mother in law." Dream  growled.

"I thought the entire Notre family was dead."

"This family is all over the globe, there are still a few dozen left all over Yorknew and she has to be one of them."

"What's wrong with her."

"She is what you call a devil woman. Won't here your side of the story, you expected to know everything she knows and if you don't, it'll be your fault."

"Why is she here?"

"I'm suppose to marry her other son, Jasper. Since Copper is dead I was suppose to be at my wedding, marrying Jasper yesterday."

Dream looked around her room for the planner. As she did that Chrollo stood silently, eyes dark.

"Kill her." He said.

Dream quickly turned her head from her dresser, planner in her hands.

"What?" She whispered.

"Kill her," Chrollo repeated, "it's the only way you can rid yourself from their grasp."

"Asking someone to kill for me is one thing, but doing it entirely different. I...I don't know if I can."

Chrollo pulled out a small purple glass bottle from the inside of his jacket.

"This is the key to unlock the door to your freedom. Use it, it may be your only chance." Chrollo said.

Dream took the bottle and placed it in her shirt. She walked down stairs to find May walking for her. Her foot was tapping at she was in the kitchen.

"How long was I to wait for a stupid girl like you!?" May barked.

"Sorry Mother, it took me a while to find the planner."

"Whatever, make me tea immediately!"

"Yes Mother."

Dream placed two sugar cubes in a tea cup and stirred. She looked behind her to see May sitting reading a book, completely distracted. Dream carefully pulled the purple bottle out of her shirt and unscrewed the lid, a blood red liquid spilled out of the bottle. She placed the lid back on, and put it back in her shirt.

"Here you go Mother May, don't mind the color. It's just a hint of cinnamon." Dream smiled.

May looked yo from her book to see it to be the brown liquid with a tint of red.

"Now before we discuss your wedding plans, let's discuss your behavior." May scoffed.

"Yes ma'am."

May took a drink of her tea.

"Where were you last night?" She asked taking another sip.

"I was at the casino," Dream pretended to be embrassed, "my frie d wanted to take me out, after Copper pass-"

May backed handed her; her hands wer covered in rings, it let a red and scratched up mark on Dream's left cheek.

"You filthy vile whore! This is not what is to be expected from the Notre family! Copper told me about your little friend at the Jewel Auction! Disgusting," May spat out, "maybe Copper didn't beat discipline and domestication into you enough, but Jasper will. You'll be come the perfect wife, obedient, well manner and prop--"

May held her throat, she started coughing and gasping her air. Tears were forming in her eyes. Dream slowly got up and watched it unfold. May's gasping turned losing and her face was turning blue. With a smirk Dream leaned her face in close with the suffocating woman.

"Pay back bitch." Dream spat out.

May looked at her with wide eye before collapsing to the floor dead. Her face a dark purple, eyes completely white and foaming slowly coming out of her mouth. Chrollo stepped into the kitchen, he began to clap slowly.

"Well done my dear. An excellent performance if I do say so myself. And I do." Chrollo praised.

Dream tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and gave a small smile

"I should have felt bad for what I did, but I wish I could do it again. Hisoka was wrong, he never tore off my wings.  But knew one thing after that, I was willing to do whatever Chrollo said to get rid of people like the Notre family..."

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