The Other Side

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Dream sat on the couch alone after Chrollo kissed her, she ran her fingers over her pale lips. Her eyes started to form tears, she cover her face with her hands and started to cry.

"What have I done." She whispered to herself.

"When Chrollo left after our first kiss, I was scared It had finally clicked with me that I had made a deal with The Devil," Dream said, "my only question at the time was: what was on the other side. Where was Chrollo..."

By the time Chrollo returned to the hideout, it started to rain. Thunder roared and lightning flashed as his footsteps echoed through the halls of the damaged building. Nobunaga stood in front of him with a look of unamusement on his face.

"So," Nobunaga asked, "what did you find out?"

"Nothing," Chrollo said, "I felt that she didn't trust us enough."

Chrollo walked passed him. He walked over to the large open area where the rest of the Troupe waited for him, with Nobunaga storming up to him.

"So you just went there for idle chit-chat!?" He snapped.

Everyone looked up from what they were doing. Chrollo smirked.

"There was nothing idle about it. She had questions and I gave an answer that satisfied her curiosity." Chrollo admitted.

"You just gave us away!? What the hell could you have possibly gained from that!?" Nobunaga yelled.

"She is not aware of who we are; like I said, I gave her an answer that satisfied her, not a direct answer. And what did I gain? Her trust of course. as well as a few answers myself."

"What answers did you get."

"It's obvious isn't," Hisoka chimed in, "he had questions about her fiancé, Copper was it?"

Chrollo gave him a spiteful look, not responding to the question.

"What questions would he want to know about some blonde's ex?" Machi scoffed.

"A blonde with a pretty great ass." Uvo smirked.

"I'd hold my tongue if I were you," Hisoka sang in amusement, "you see, I have a theory as to why Boss has taken interest in a girl like Ms. Dream."

"And what theory would that be?" Feitan asked.

All eyes were on Hisoka, curiosity peaked their interest.

"You see, Boss has always had a hate for those who think they're above it all. When he first met Dream, it was that of a friendly introduction but, when he found out she was being abused he stepped in." Hisoka looked at his cards the entire time.

"Yeah, we knew that," Phinks exclaimed, "that's not a theory, that's stating the damn obvious."

"I'm not finished," Hisoka held a up a hand, "usually when Boss dose something for someone, death or a favor in return is usually the price someone pays. But not Dream, she's a person little rat; getting in high end banquets without any suspicion, is what her role will be. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Yeah we got that. But that's still just staying the facts." Franklin said.

Hisoka looked up at Chrollo, who gave him a death glare.

"So my only question to Boss is, why keep her around," Hisoka asked, "which is where my theory comes into place."

"And what would that be?" Pakunoda crossed her arms.

"He likes her."

Thunder and lighting flashed.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!" Uvo yelled.

"It doesn't make sense!" Phinks yelled.

"You can't assume that with the given facts!" Shizuku yelled.

"Idiot." Pakunoda and Machi muttered.

"Boss is not that naive!" Shalnark exclaimed.

"Yeah, and even if it was true. What makes her so special?" Phinks said.

"She's a butterfly caught in our spider's web," Chrollo finally spoke, "and as the spider when can let her fly free or eat her. I choose to let her free."

"You cant be serious," Nobunaga exclaimed, "Hisoka's nonsense is true."

"Of course not, but I choose not to let her go for a long time. She's the butterfly and I'm the spider...we all know who's going to be the victor in this fight."

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