Chapter 17

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     (Y/N) POV

     The next day at lunch we were discussing about the picture that was shown to us. "How about we go look for it?" Motegi asked. "That sounds like a good idea." Tazuki responded. Sora looked surprised. "We can't start today. We can go tomorrow though." He added. We all agreed to go to Bachiyama.

     The next day we left the others with the god and the old man statue. Mii didn't want to leave Sora so he was coming with us. The god put a small tracking cut out on Mii so we wouldn't lose him. After school we head to the mountain in search for the Inugami. Tazuki and  Sora were acting strange but I didn't question. We climbed the stairs to find two paths. We decided to split up. Motegi, Tazuki, and I went to the right while Daichi and Sora took the left. After some time of searching for the Inugami we didn't find anything.

     We met back to where the two paths started to find Sora and Daichi. "Any luck?" I asked. "Nope. You?" "None." I responded. "We should get going. It's getting dark." I said. Sora walked down a step. I felt something. "Did you feel something shift?" I asked to the rest. We turned around to see the two paths had become one. "A festival. For the summer solstice." Sora said looking terrified. "A no-humans festival." Next thing we knew were in front of three goblin-like creatures. "Give us your invitations." One said. "I'll handle this." Sora said. "Sorry we don't have any invitations." Sora said kindly. The creature grew bigger and said, "Then you shall receive a punishment." "Can I be the one who gets punished? Let the rest of my friends leave." Sora pleaded. "What the hell are you talking about?" Tazuki said getting heated. Mii then jumped on top of the monster with five leaf-like invitations. The monster grew back to it's normal size and let us go. Tazuki then did something that surprised me. He punched Sora. "You always do things for your own sake." He said and ran off. I went to ran after him but Sora stopped me. "Let me go talk to him alone." He said gently. "Okay." I agreed. 

     Motegi, Daichi, and I decided to run after them. We saw this red human-like creature run toward us and hugged Motegi and Daichi. I was quick enough to get out of the way in time. "Sorry about that. Yamada loves humans."

     Later we found out that the inugami were actually safe and there were two of them. They had a fight and that's why it seemed as one of them was hurt. Tazuki and Sora decided to go and resolve the problem. Both pairs of friends made up in the end. 

     A  moment later, we got to a waterfall. Aa and Uu, the inugami, were swimming while Mii was touching the water. I was standing next to Mii when I felt someone grab my arms and put them behind my back. I suddenly blacked out.

     Tazuki POV

     These human-like creatures came over to ask us if we've seen any suspicious men around here. We shook our head in response. "Where's Mii?! Mii!" Sora yelled. "(Y/N)'s gone too!" Motegi said concerned. "She's gone?!" I said not thinking anymore.

Just a Girl(Tazuki x Reader)  (How to Keep A Mummy Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora