The next morning

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A/N: I have posted this chapter to show the reaction of Harry, Ginny and the rest of the school the next day.

Ginny woke up the next morning with a cheerful mood. She lay on her bed with a small smile on her lips. She had a very nice dream last night.

She dreamed that Harry had kissed her in the Gryffindor common room in front of everyone during their celebration for winning the quidditch cup. After that they had taken a walk to the ground where he had said that he had liked her for a long time and asked her to be his girlfriend.

But was it really a dream? Then why did it feel so much real?

No, she had to be sure.

She jumped out of her bed and put on a robe over her nightwear. She rushed out of the fifth year girls' dorm; crossed the common room and headed up to the sixth year boys' dorm.

She opened the door and walked inside.

The curtains around Harry and Ron's bed were still surrounded while the other three boys were sitting on their bed getting ready for the day.

Neville looked at her with a smile on his face and Dean scowled at her but kept his mouth shut. But it was Seamus who shouted, "Hey, you should have knocked. One of us could have been starker".

"Like I care", Ginny replied without even looking at him.

She reached to Harry's bed and drew aside the curtains.

Harry was sleeping on his back looking peaceful. She looked at him for a few moments with a smile on her own face.

Then she touched his cheek and called out, "Harry, wake up Harry".

Harry opened his eyes and got startled seeing her beside his bed. She had a look of worry and hope at the same time in her eyes.

"Ginny, what are you doing here so early?" he asked trying not to sound annoyed.

"Actually Harry", she hesitated for a moment then took a deep breath and hurried it out, "Last night wasn't a dream. Right?".

It was then he realised the reason of worry in her eyes.

He sat up in his bed and yanked her towards him by her hand.

Ginny fell on him but before she could say or do anything, Harry captured her lips with his own in a passionate kiss.

At first she was startled but then she realised that it was actually the answer of her question. So, she started to kiss him back with equal passion.

It was only when breathing become necessary, they pulled away from each other.

"So, did you get your answer?" asked Harry.

Ginny smiled at him and said, "Yes and it was the perfect answer of my question".

"Oh, I intended to do that too", Harry replied kissing her once again.

He pulled away from her and at that very moment Ron's voice came from the next bed.

"Ginny, What are you doing here?"

Ginny winked at Harry before turning toward her brother and replied, "Oh, it's nothing important. I just came here to give my boyfriend a good morning kiss".

Ron groaned, " Oh, I didn't need to hear that".

"Hey, it was you who asked", Ginny reply in a mock protest.

Then she kissed Harry once again making her brother groan and headed toward the door.

But she stopped at the doorway and looked back.

"Hey boyfriend?" she shouted and Harry looked at her smiling; "Do you want me to wait for you in the common room?"

Harry smirked.

"Why not girlfriend, I'll be there with in ten minutes".

Ginny blew him a kiss and exited the dorm.

After Ginny left Ron turned toward Harry.

"Do you know, I really pity you for having a devilish girlfriend like her", he said with a mock sincerity in his voice and Harry laughed.

"And that's one of the reason why I like her so much".

After that, the two best friends got up and headed toward the bathroom.

Harry met Ginny downstairs in the common room after ten minutes and greeted her with a kiss.

They headed toward the great Hall hand in hand for breakfast.

Once they entered the great hall the whole student body fell silent seeing there joint hands, except the Gryffindors who are smiling now.

Ok maybe not every Gryffindor. Romilda vane was scowling openly and Dean was trying to look at anywhere but toward them with a same expression on his face.

Harry and Ginny ignored everyone and headed toward the end of the Gryffindor table.

Once they approached their seat Hermione got up from her seat and pulled them in a bone crushing hug rival to Mrs Weasley's.

"Oh, I am very happy for both of you", she said cheerfully.

"Thank you", replied Harry And Ginny chokingly.

"Let them breath Hermione", Ron called out from his seat.

Hermione released them and looked apologetically.

"Oh, I am sorry Harry, Ginny", Hermione apologised; "I am just so happy".

"We know Hermione", said Harry. Then he added in a low voice so that only she and Ginny could hear, "Now, if only my two best friends express their feelings for each other, it will be proved to be our best year at Hogwarts".

Hermione blushed and left for her seat muttering, "I don't know what you are talking about".

Harry and Ginny just stood there laughing still holding their hands.

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