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[chapter iv]


Late at night, hours after family chaos I sat on my bed with dried up tears and tissues from the unhappy energy around me. Suddenly, it started to rain pebbles and without a doubt I knew who that could be. I emerged from the bed, wiping my face and sticking my head out of the window.

I grinned as I looked down at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

He chuckled deeply. "You didn't think I was gonna leave and not take you with me, did you?"

I chuckle as I see him climb the tree. He crawled through the window and we immediately hugged each other, sending an electrical spark through my body. I wasn't sure if he felt it so I didn't speak on it.

"Your bags still packed?" He asked.

"Um..yeah, they're still packed."

"I can take them to my car and then I'll come back to get you. Does that sound good?"

"Mmhm." I hum. He lifted them to the window from the door with the lock engaged, designed to not let anyone in.

"Alright, I'm gonna get down and then you throw them to me, okay?"

I did as instructed. He caught both suitcases but not without some sort of struggle. My bags were packed with literally everything in my room. It was mandatory that I packed all that stuff.

While he was occupied with fitting my stuff into the trunk, I found myself writing a note. It was for my parents because I knew that before the night was over with they'd figure out I wasn't here anymore.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I know you're just finding this note and is probably wondering where I am. I went somewhere out of Minneapolis. I won't tell you where I'm going because then you'll try to find me and I don't want that. I just couldn't handle the stress that was put on me for trying to meet the expectations you guys set for me. It was a mental strain and I won't let you continue to mentally stress me out. I'm gonna go live somewhere else and you're gonna have to accept it. Don't send a search party for me, I'll know if you do. Don't worry, I'll be safe. I always am. :)

I still love you. It's just time for me to live life my own way. It's time for me to make mistakes and learn from them and it's time for me to go out and pursue my dream of being an artist. One day you'll be happy for me. One day you'll support me. And one day I'll come back.


I doodled a small heart and left it on my neatly made bed. I predicted that I would tell them but it seems like it isn't gonna turn out like how I imagined.

"Z, you ready?" I heard from outside. He was a loud whisperer.

I peeped my head out. "There's one more thing."

"What is it?"

From in the corner, I stuck a new looking guitar out that I had got him. He kept it over here because he said that his father, out of spite, might end up destroying it. He caught it by the neck and body, quickly running to the car and coming back.

"Anything else?"

I seized the worn out rectangular notebooks from the dresser and stuffed them in my coat pocket as best as I could. It was his and my notebook. He wrote in it all the time. He told me that it was his way of escaping reality; what went on at his house. Sort of like me with the drawing.

"That's it. I'm ready." I told him. 

At the last minute, there was a knock on my door. I didn't look back, already aware of who it was.

"Jump down, I'll catch you."

I grew nervous, although I was certainly sure about the choice I'm making. "Prince, he's coming!" I spoke at a low tone.

"Zada! Why is your door locked?" The knocking continued.

"He's gonna try to come in!"

"Z, you're gonna have to jump! C'mon, I'll catch you. I promise." I had never trusted someone more than I trust him. I'd never let anyone else, let alone my cousin, sibling, if I had one, catch me from a window. This here was trust.

I was absolutely terrified of heights. Of course, I had never jumped out of a window before. My legs dangled as the knocking got harder, then it was just him jiggling the doorknob like a serial killer, hungry for blood.

I shut the window from the outside and closed my eyes before using my feet against the side of the house to push me out further instead of just letting go and falling straight down.

"What'd I tell you?" A sly smirk appeared on his face after I fell to his arms.

That was it?!

"Oh wow, it doesn't even feel like I just jumped from a two-story house."

"Scaredy cat." He snickered.

"Shut up and let's go before my dad grounds me for another month." I joked as we ran like burglars.

I hope you enjoy this one! 💛💜 Thank you for reading and feedback is much appreciated.

What do you think is gonna happen next? 👀🌚🤔

P.S. It's almost here! 🌪🌪🌪🌚

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