It'll always be there

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We drive until the sun is down and it doesn't seem like we're stopping "Dick, we should stop at a motel or something it's getting late" I say and Dick nods "Izzy do you have the evil inside you like I do?" Rachel asks and I sigh "yes, but it only comes sometimes, you need to learn to control it. I still don't have full control" I say not turning my head to look at her.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" Rachel asks and I look over at Dick and he mouths 'not now' "almost, and I regret not doing it" I say "who was it?" Rachel asks and I fidget with the ring on my finger "there's a motel right here" Dick says noticing me getting uncomfortable.

We get settled in and Rachel starts watching game of thrones "do you want a pizza or something?" Dick asks "sure" Rachel answers and I smirk a bit "anything on it?" Dick asks and Rachel doesn't answer and I chuckle a bit and dick heads towards the door and taps my arm and nods his head for me to come with "just don't get pineapple on it" Rachel says "obviously" Dick says before shutting the door.

"So who's the person you regret not killing?" Dick asks as he focuses on the road "My father" I answer and dick frowns "how did you meet Catherine?" Dick asks trying to change the subject "I disobeyed my father and tried to run away then he caught me and  tried to drain my memory before throwing me onto the streets of Gotham, and one day Catherine came up and offered me everything a 9 year old girl would want. Dolls, Toys, a kitten, Candy so of course I went with her. What I didn't realize was that going with her had a price. By age 12 I'd gone through training and was on the streets fighting" I say "you said your dad tried to drain your memory?" Dick says "ya" I say "what do you mean tried?" Dick asks "he got some parts but not everything." I say

"I didn't forget his face or my mothers face or Rachel even though she was born 3 days prior, I didn't forget my age or my name, I forgot my address but the one thing I remember the most was the pain, most hero's and side kicks worst scars are from fighting, some of mine are from my father" I add "what about the one on your cheekbone?" Dick asks "let's say he didn't like naughty girls, even if they were 2" I say and dicks hands clench around the steering wheel tightly "he hit you?" Dick says, anger in his voice "all the time, it made me stronger I guess" I shrug.

"That's not right" Dick says "I know, when kids came into the station I'd always get called on to talk to them" I say "me too" Dick says. We get the pizza and get in the car, I put the pizza on my lap and Dick puts his phone on top of the box "expecting a call?" I ask raising my eyebrow "never know" dick shrugs.

We get back to the motel and walk to the room and see the documents Dick asked his partner to forward to him on the desk and we quickly go to the bathroom "Rachel?" Dick says flicking on the light. And we see crosses all around a tub and Rachel sitting in it "fucking Melissa put it in her head that crosses help, what a fucking idiot" my inner demon speaks "no! Don't touch me I don't want it getting out" Rachel says to dick "come here" dick says pulling her into a hug.

"Wow, he knows how to stop hers, let's see if he can stop yours... aka me" the demon laughs "no, no please no" I say and dick turns and looks at me with a weird expression on his face "come on Bitch! Look in the mirror! Fucking look!" It yells and I turn and look "ahh, there you are I've missed that ugly face. Come closer" it says "no" I say "COME! OBEY ME" it yells "Izzy don't listen to it!" Rachel yells "what the fuck is going on" Dick says "LISTEN TO ME, COME CLOSER SLUT" It yells "No" I say and next thing I know I'm flying into the mirror.

"ISABELLE!" Dick yells running towards me picking me up off the ground "you need to obey me bitch" it says as I lean against the wall and look at the broken mirror on the floor. "Rachel, go watch tv" Dick says as I go to grab my face when dick grabs my hands "remember what happened last time you did that" Dick says.

Dick then picks me up and sits me on the counter top "I can walk you know" I say "I just watched you smash your face into a mirror, I don't think I want to let you breathe on your own" Dick says "Dick" I say under my breathe rolling my eyes "hilarious, never heard that one before" Dick says looking at me and I shrug.

"Do you still have glass in your legs?" Dick asks "and my arms" I answer "do you want me to take it out?" Dick asks "no no, I want to let my skin eat it" I say sarcastically "I'll start with the face" Dick says "please, blood doesn't taste that good" I say and Dick laughs "this might hurt" he says "more than the leg?" I ask "doubt it" Dick says.

He pulled out about 20 shards of glass from my face and wiped it with a damp cloth to clean the blood, he put bandages over the big cuts and washed them with rubbing alcohol. "Ok shirt and pants off, get em out of here" Dick says and I raise my eyebrows at him "confident huh?" I say "do you want to pull it out yourself?" He says "not exactly" I say and dick tilts his head and I strip down to my bra and panties.

The ones on my legs hurt like a bitch but the ones on my stomach were worse, Dick pulled out a big shard with the tweezers and I instantly shot forward wrapping my arms around his neck "hey, it's ok" Dick says rubbing my back "almost done, just the arms" Dick says, he does the arms and it doesn't really hurt.

"Are you Ok if I..." Dick says pausing and pointing to my breasts "I don't even know how that got there" I say shaking my head as he started pulling glass out of them "well, wear a low cut v shirt when your in these professions, somethings bound to happen" dick says finishing up.

I get dressed and look at dick "I missed a few in your face" Dick says and I sit back on the counter top "well.. are you gonna get them?" I say "yea" dick says pulling out the remaining glass before locking his eyes with mine "what?" I ask "I remember you" Dick says "you were always around Bruce's house, we didn't talk much but I watched you kickass, even saw you kill a guy" Dick says "ahh yes, you and Bruce tagged along for that one he thought that the joker was gonna turn up" I say and Dick and I say the last part in unison.

Dick looks up and looks at my eyes and then my lips before closing the gap between us, his lips were soft and warm. I hadn't felt that in a while, not the lips but lips that actually had emotion behind them, the kiss meant something to them. We pulled away and looked at each other and walked out "we leave first thing in the morning" dick says looking between Rachel and me "leave to go where exactly?" I ask "some old friends of mine" Dick says lie and I look at him and furrow my eyebrows but he ignores it.

I'm woken up at 6:00am "get ready, we're leaving in 15 minutes" Dick says I go into the washroom and change into this...

We get into the car and start driving "Washington?" Rachel says "yep" Dick says we pull up to the apartment and walk upstairs, Dick knocks on the door and there she is

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We get into the car and start driving "Washington?" Rachel says "yep" Dick says we pull up to the apartment and walk upstairs, Dick knocks on the door and there she is. "We need to talk" Dick says "Your about 4 years to late but sure" Dawn says "Hi, I'm Rachel" Rachel says sticking her hand out and Dawn takes it "Dawn" she smiles but Rachel quickly pulls her hand away and Dawn looks at me "Isabelle?!" Dawn says and I smile "Hi" I say "come in guys" Dawn says opening the door and we all pile in.

We go up to the roof and Dick, Dawn and I catch up as Rachel looks at the Doves "the hell you doing here, Dick?" Hank says coming onto the roof "Hank, I had a situation" Dick says "nice little reunion you've go going on here" Hank says "You know it's not like that" Dick says "Sure looks like it to me" Hank says "Hank." Dawn says pointing to Rachel "what the fuck" Hank says and I roll my eyes "Can we just go downstairs please" Dawn says and we all go down stairs.

Well, 1 exam done 3 more to go. Aren't exams just great! Anyways hope your enjoying all 3 chapters. X

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