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One would think when you've been friends with benefits with someone for three years, the relationship would progress much further, but for me, that was not the case. Oh, where are my manners? My name is Andrea Emmett. I work in the social media department of the company I work in, Fantasia Magazine. Of course, the bulk of my work involves monitoring activity on our Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest page. I'm not the only one who does this, but because I barely have a life outside of work, I'm in front of my computer a lot. When I heard my lunch alarm go off, I sighed. I put the computer on Sleep and walked toward the Subway next to the company. Then I saw Derek James, the man who I've been in love with for three years. He's part of the PR department, so we would see each other all the time. Let me explain how that all began. It all started when we met at an office party. I noticed his light brown eyes, how his light brown skin practically glowed in the office lights. I don't know how tipsy I was, but I was enamored by him. Then, he walked over to me and said, "Hello there. What's your name, beautiful?"

I took a sip of my Chardonnay and replied, "Andrea Emmett. I'm part of the social media department."

He smiled, "Derek James, PR."

I chuckled, "It's nice to meet you."

We shook hands, then he said, "You should smile more. It suits you."

Normally, I would've brushed this line off as cheesy, but the alcohol in my system really lowed my inhibitions. We continued to talk throughout the night, then the party ended and I was too drunk to drive, so I went to my friend, Stephen Knight, who thankfully doesn't drink and said, "Can you drive me home?"

He chuckled and said, "You're allowing me to drive your car? Your baby, as you call it?"

I glared at him playfully, "I can't exactly drive at the moment, so yes."

He smiled, then I gave him my car keys. As we walked out, Derek said, "Are you going so soon? Some of us wanted to have a little after party."

I shook my head, "I need to sleep the drinks off."

He then took my hand and kissed the back of it, "See you on Monday, Andrea."

As he walked away, Stephen said, "If I didn't know better and I do, I would say he's into you."

I scoffed, "We just met each other."

As we walked toward my car, Stephen told me, "This could blossom into something more."

We entered my car and he started the engine. We didn't speak much as the ride continued, then I said, "How have you fared in finding someone?"

Stephen chuckled, "I don't think there's a man in the world who could handle me."

I looked at him, "If I were a man or if you're weren't gay, we would've been perfect for each other."

"Yes, we would be. Fate is cruel," he replied.

Once he reached our apartment building, he went to his living space which is across from mine and said, "Goodnight, Andrea. Don't let the bed bugs bite."

I laughed, "Good night, Stephen."

We entered our living spaces. I placed my purse and coat on my grey couch and went into my kitchen to fix myself a glass of water. I picked up a random glass from the dishwasher, turned the cold water knob of the faucet, then placed the glass underneath. Once I was satisfied with the amount of water in the glass, I turned the knob to stop the water from running. I barely took a sip of water when I heard my cell phone ring. I walked toward the couch, sat down, placed the glass of water on the coffee table and pulled my purple cell phone out of my coat pocket. I didn't recognize the number, so I decided to answer it, "Hello?"

"Hello, Andrea," the voice on the other side answered. It's Derek!

"How did you get my number?" I asked in a skeptical tone.

I heard him chuckle, then he replied, "Mrs. Martha gave it to me."

Of course it was Mrs. Martha. She's been part of the company since day one and she has the loosest lips which is why no one tells her anything that's supposed to be secret or personal. I sighed, "Is there a special reason why you're calling?"

"There is, actually. I was wondering if you wanted to drink coffee with me sometime," he responded.

I was so thankful that I wasn't drinking water when he said that because I would've sprayed it across the room and I have no intention of mopping just yet. I said, "Are you sure you're not confusing me for another girl that you met at the party?"

He laughed, "No, you're the only Andrea Emmett I know."

I raised an eyebrow, but I answered, "Sure, I would love to."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I picked up my water and downed the entire glass. I'd call Stephen, but I'm trying to sober up, not get more drunk. Then again, no more alcohol was required for what I was feeling. Is this how every anime heroine feels when they get asked for a date for the first time? I decided to take a shower and change into more comfortable clothing so I could sleep. I went to my bedroom and laid down on my bed. While I was laying down, I was thinking about Derek. I have no idea how in the world our relationship would progress, but I was ready to see would happen. I would tell Stephen about this, but it's too late for that kind of conversation.

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