The night before the train

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Steve had the serum. Bucky and the gang were captured. Steve has single-handedly saved them all and they've made a kickass squad.

This is the late night/early morning before the train mission (feels) and they've stopped somewhere in enemy territory in a (convenient) sheltered forest.


For Bucky, what was making him most uneasy wasn't the fact they were deep behind enemy lines; or that he had been captured by Hydra; or even the rock that was uncomfortably digging into his ass.  

No, what was really troubling Sargent Barnes of the 107th was Steve.

Well, what Steve had become to be precise.

He had always been there for Steve. Through his achievements, failures and ever constant illnesses, Bucky had stood with him. He'd always thought Steve's spirit was too strong for his body... but now his body was strong too. 

And Bucky fleetingly thought that it suited him very well indeed.

He brooded on these thoughts whilst staring into the flames of the small fire he'd lit for himself, a little way from the others.

The crunch of footsteps on the frosty ground behind him had him on alert. But he needn't have worried himself for even with his new appearance, Bucky knew Steve's footsteps like no other.

Carefully lowering himself to the ground beside Bucky, Steve flashed him a small smile. Bucky smirked back, a next to natural reflex.

The two sat in silence for a short while.

Then Bucky cleared his throat quietly and spoke.

 "So how come the great Captain America took time out of his busy schedule of fame and dancing dames to rescue some measly troops like us?"

Steve chuckled and Bucky was relieved to hear it sounded like it always had, only just a little deeper. Bucky would not acknowledge the little stirring that slight rumble caused in him.

"Well you've spent years looking after me, figured it was my turn." Steve smiled again.

Bucky couldn't help it. He stared.

In that moment Steve's eyes looked so deep and dark and ...earnest. The fire's embers flickered and illuminated his golden blond hair. He looked healthy and real and happy.

And Steve stared too.

Bucky was tired but at his physical best even though his hair was a little messy. His grey eyes seemed to flicker with flames of their own. Something moved deep within them and a peculiar expression came over them.

Steve knew what it was. He'd received it before, and given it, but neither of them had ever confronted it. That's just how it was.

But now it was just the two of them.

They were alone in their own little bubble, like they were suddenly back at the apartment again, like it was the two of them against the world.

Then Bucky leaned in.

And Steve did not stop him.

Their lips met gently. It felt like years had been leading to this (and in all honesty it had). Steve shuffled closer and reached across to cup Bucky's cheek and tangle his cold fingers into his hair. 

Bucky began to kiss with more force and Steve willingly followed. Bucky gently pushed on Steve's chest, signalling that he should lie back. And he did.

There was no undoing it now. Not that he wanted to, thought Bucky as he lay half on top of Steve. His Steve.

As he became more passionate he felt a slight hesitation from Steve. Carefully he pulled back to look down on Steve, lying, breathing heavily, on the frozen forest floor. 

A promise or a mission - Stucky story (moderate smut)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang