Chapter 10

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***Keishre's POV***
2 days after (keishre's birthday and competition)

It has been two days after I left hospital, my recovery was a bit slow because some times I had those weird paralysis or seizures for those reasons I was almost 2 months at hospital, when I was stabilized from one thing my red blood cells get down again so when my genes decided to complemented by themselves I was free from that awful place. I havent told my grandparents that when I went unconscious I remembered everything that happened the day we found Mason, I havent told anyone how guilty I feels. The worst part I think Im falling hard for Mason but I will not anyone, why? Because Im waiting for my mate and Im not gonna let down whoever it is for this new feeling, I cant even look at him to the eyes and Hayley havent talk to me for that, she felt hurt every time I avoid his eyes. Today I will dance Beth Crowley's song "Monster" because thats how I feels right now. Im getting ready with my dance partner our dance is easy well at least for me, because is something like a war declaration for wolves we're gonna circle each other, get face to face, touch our fingertips, then I will run and then I will make a turn, our backs will be in touch like an adaggio, its awesome. I just hope that my mate doesnt discovers who we are for each other when Im dance because if he ruin this after all that I practice in this 2 days and before getting sick he will be dead. Believe me I dont joke when it comes to my coreographies, training and kickboxing. I heard when my dance professor calls Mika and Keishre's names so I went for it. We started to dance, everything was perfect, no wrong turns, no mistakes. I even cried at the end, I was so happy but my mate havent shows up, my heart hurts, so I decided to go back to the dance room, no one was there so I could feel the silence. At the room I take my shoes of (I love to be barefoot) and drink a bit of water, then I heard some footsteps on my directions and suddenly smelled this amazing and powerful rain and spices scent. It gets stronger with each footstep, it feels so amazing, Hayley started to scream inside me: "We found him, we found him keish, Mate,Mate,Mate". She was so happy and I was too until the door opened and we heard "MINE". I was in shock. His light blue eyes melt with my hazel eyes.
Keyshre? You are mate? - he said, he was shocked and surprised but he was smiling.
No, no, thats not possible, you cant be my mate, you cant, not you Mason. - suddenly I started to cry. Why?? Why this is happening?
You dont want me? You're gonna reject me? - I could feel the pain in his questions, he was smiling just a few seconds ago, that amazing smile that always makes me smile. My heart hurts too with his questions.
I will never reject you Mason, I wouldn't do that, even if I didnt knew you were my mate I was falling for you but Im pretty sure you will gonna hate me. Im a monster, I really am a monster. - I said crying
What are you talking about keish? I will not hate you, babe your my angel, my mate. - he said softly
You dont understand Mason, youre dad is dead because he was trying to protect me, to save me, if I wasnt in this world you still have your dad. - I said
What do mean? Keish tell me everything, youre hurting yourself with this, dont do that. - he said hugging me
You know who am I or what am I  ( Maxwell, Beta kenai and Alpha kudai enters the room) knowing this some alphas wanted to kill me and one group made some kind of council like the hunters one.
Don't mention those killers - Alpha kudai said
Just shut up and let her talk - Mason replied mad
You know who are you disrespecting?- Alpha kudai said
Don't you ever talk that way to my mate, I dont care who you are, and let her talk.- Mason said
As I was saying they made some kind of council to protect me, if my parents or grandparents needed help they will be there, my family just have to assure them that if something happens to them we will take care of their families. That day I wanted to go to the park, we knew it could be dangerous but we didnt see other packs around our lands or rogues. When we were there I was playing with my little doll and picking some flowers when a pack of rogues came. One of them, a young boy attacked me, he tried to kills me, I told him that he should do what he have to do or leave me alone. I wasnt feared, my grandpas were fighting with their leader and some pack members, suddenly your dad came to help us. We never see you hidden, you were crying but the howls and growls made you almost invisible to us. My grandpa told me to run and I hid behind the same tree as you, I saw you there and hurt me, I didnt knew why but I hugged you and told you that I will protect you. I ran out of the tree because one rogue came into our direction. I was running while I saw your father telling my grandpa: "take care of my son" then he was ripped apart. I was mad, I attacked the rogues and killed some of them, half I think so, then the leader came and jump over me, he was suffocating me, I couldnt breath and everything went dark. When I asked for the rogue over me my grandpa told me: "his son killed him, saved you and run" I dont know why but that boy from wanting to kills me change mind to save me. See Im a monster, everyone by my side died or leave me. You hate me now.
Dont say that again - said Mason and Maxwell at the same time.
We are all monsters, we all made mistakes, Im an hybrid, kenai bullied you, mason did the same, even he said other things when he was mad. Don't call yourself anymore a monster because you are not. - Maxwell shout with anger and desperation
Keish we are your mates, we both love you, I dont hate you, you saved my life and my dad saved ours. If he wouldn't have saved you I will be unmated, I would have never met you. Don't you ever dare to say that you shouldn't be born. We are your matelacs remember? Yes you are different we all are, you could change things and my dad thought that too. - Mason said hugging me, sparks run all over my body, I felt care and protected in his arms, then I felt a sweet kiss on my head and it was Maxwell. Hayley and me were so happy.
Eh guys can I give my friend a hug too? - asked Kenai
Why you dont find a mate for yourself Kenai? - asked a jealous Mason
Mason, is okay were just friends you dont have to be jealous. - I told him trying to calm him down
Yes, youre friends but he was in love with you - he said
That was in the past Mason, I wouldn't do that to my friends, I just want her to know she can count on me. - Kenai replied
Okay, but dont forget who are her mates.
Beta kenai hugged me and told me on the ear: is time for him to know and this will gonna be fun
Okay- I said - you told me you will protect me so I trust you
Hey Mason, Maxwell have you thought about a nickname for keish? Maybe you can use the one which I met her?
Well, I was thinking of "rockgirl" -  Maxwell said
I was thinking of "angel" - Mason replied as well
So, it seems like you already have picked one so keish it looks like youre still gonna be my violet. He smiled
What did you just said? - asked an angry Alpha Kudai. You knew it was her and you didnt told me?
First you have your mate, second you said you dont want to hear about hunters so I dont have to tell you.- Beta Kenai replied
Why are you talking about those? It has nothing to do with her.
It has everything to do with... (I cut off  Kenai)
It has everything to do with my because Im a she wolf but Im a hunter too. Im her leader actually.
Suddenly I felt his arms around my neck. You are their what? - he asked me in his Alpha tone
Dont use Alpha with me because I can use it too, you wanted to know who was Shadows Blood Pack Alpha you have it in front of you, you wanted to find your best friend you have her in front of you. If I was you I will get me down now because my mates are here with me, one it was my beta and the other a hunter vamp, I have a council that will hunt you down if I said a word to them.
The Alphas council will not gonna help you now, theyre not so fast. - Alpha Kudai said with a smirk
Who said I was talking about the Alphas council? Supreme council show yourself now. - I said, suddenly the room was filled with bloody red haired women and men. Im talking about this council, you'll se Im not only the leader of the hunters,Im the leader of the council as well because I inherited my dad's place. So I will be incharge about peace and war terms, I decides if they are gonna attack a pack, a coffin or whatever. So, youre gonna let me down or you want your pack on the list? You were my childhood friend but if you want to attacks me I will gonna defend myself.

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