Duty called.

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"Stop getting shot, it stresses me out" brushing away a strand of hair,she leaned over him (close, too close), bandaging his abdomen with gentle touches. It didn't matter if a shiver ran trough him,

"Oh well if YOU don't like it" he drawled. Flinching when she pulled the bandage too tight, a quiet apology left her lips. Cursing under his breath he found the wall of the dirty storage room grounding.

"Don't pull that one on me Kennedy" tying the loose end of the bandage she finished with that wound, treating the minor ones with a first aid spray. The little smile that escaped her lips had nothing to do with him saying ouch like a kid ", I know why you do it. Your way of dealing with any kind of pain is hiding behind a giant wall of 'warever' and sarcasm."

Looking at the door, behind of wich the mutated were waiting to bring their demise, the thought of the times when she hid from him invaded his mind, the times when he found the bed empty. Biting his tongue, he kept silent, not wanting to have a discussion in this of all times.

"Ada, Do you love me?" the shadows in his eyes lightened a bit, after years if loving (saving?) each other it felt natural to be in her space.

"Would I be here otherwise, handsome?" She murmured putting her forehead in his bare shoulder. Inhaling his essence, a tang of cologne mixed with sweat and blood. She had iron running on her veins,unwilling to move, longing to stay there in his presence.

He kissed the top of her hair. Her soft laugh made him look her face, mirth was clear on her on her eyes.

"In 17 years you have used your only question to ask me that, it's quite endearing"

"17 years, It feels like less. I mean how many times have we seen each other? I think a total of two months" he joked grinning like an idiot (at least that was what Ada thought ).

"Is that an invitation, handsome?" She moved her face until it was less than an inch to his, her breath brushed his lips, only her breath.

"If we survive once more, then yes" he tried to move forward but before he could do it she was standing over him.

"Then we better finish our missions, you can't save the world laying on the floor." With a sigh he stood up. The pain in his torso left him breathless, her mannerisms did not help with the current predicament.

"I'm so excited to save the world for the tenth time." His voice dripped sarcasm.

"You sure sound like that." Strutting her way to the door, something (someone) was pulling at her heart.

"Maybe you should give me an incentive." He took an uneasy step to follow her, a ripple of pain when trough him, stealing a gasp out of him. Cool hands were guiding him to a flat surface, probably a desk.

"You should think about calling your partner. As much as I like you I can't stay here for long" everything was a swirl of colors,only her voice had the power to cut trough the pain, if only for a moment.

"She umm" trying to clear the fog in his head was hard, he could only picture pain in every breath he was taking ", Helena is clearing the upper level. I could call H.Q but I don't want to leave her alone."

"Call your people for reinforcements and hold on until they come" taking his face in her hands she made him look into her eyes ", and ask  for a paramedic. " she added as an afterthought.

"Nice idea, probably gonna ask Helena for morfine. "

"Good to know that I'm not the only brain-" she was interrupted by an obnoxious ringing, When their eyes locked, hers were tight around the edges, she cooled her expression and answered. She spoke a language he couldn't understand, probably german.

He sat there, watching her, noticing for  the million time that even in her concentrated state she never lost the graceful movement of her hips. Hanging up the call she stared at him, there was a wrinkle in her eyes that spoke of terrible thoughts.

"Duty calls, handsome."

"I know"

Giving him a kiss on the lips, lingering there just enough (it truly wasn't enough) ,she was in front of the door again.

"See you later,handsome." with that firm voice she reminded him that there would always be a 'later' she was out of his reach once more.

He had a promise on his mouth and a weight on his heart "See you later, sweetheart." He whispered to the empty room.


First published fanfic. Hope you like it and tell me if there was any mistakes, I'm not a native speaker. So yea thanks for reading.

Of bullets and loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora