If I should stay

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A few days later Olivia and I spent hours on the phone chatting about traveling our first jobs and so on. I feel like i had a really good connection to Olivia, we could take for hours and not get bored of each others voices. I was still dying to ask her about the newspaper room, but on the other hand I didn't want to scare her off. I really do like her but something isn't sitting right with me but the worst thing is, I can't put my finger on what it is. Also, Olivia never talks about working or her means of income which was a little bit strange. All I knew was that something was going on and I had to find out what before it drove me insane. So, that's what I did. I searched all over Seattle and Portland area trying to find information about Olivia. Days passed and none of the leads were bringing anything up. Then it hit me, I have to get back into her home and look for more information about her. I needed answers and I needed them soon. Who is she? That question has an obscene amount of possible answers. She felt like the one, but on the other hand something was wrong with her. I had lay awake many nights thinking about my next steps, I couldn't walk away from her because she could be the one. I called her up on Saturday, October 18th 1985. We had arranged a champagne picnic at Green Lake Park, I advised Olivia to wear a big coat because autumn may be the prettiest season but it can also be one of the coldest. I chose Green Lake because I remember when I was a little boy my Grandparents took me there all the time in summer, and I remember my Grandmother, Ann saying to me " When you find the girl you think is perfect for you, bring her here. This is where I met your grandfather almost forty-one years ago" and she kissed me on my forehead. That was one of the last times we went there, due to her stoke in 1959.

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