Chapter 2

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Piled in the front seats of Deans small truck, they began to move. Rachel and Aaliyah had changed out of there uniforms right before. Rachel wore a simple yellow striped shirt with jean shorts. Aaliyah wore a t-shirt that read, "Talk to me in 5 minutes, I'm busy," tucked into high-rise red shorts.

"Well, where are you guys headed?" David asked, hardly paying attention.

"Well, we were going to do something for our last day of summer, any ideas?" Aaliyah asked towards no-one in particular.

"We could go roller skating," Rachel suggested, feeling nervous that Aaliyah hinted that David should come along.

"Never really tried," said David.

"We could teach you!" Aaliyah suggested, getting excited, "Rachel is really good! She can teach you some of her tricks." Rachel felt the blood go up to her cheeks at her friend's praise.

"Ok then, but proper introductions first, I'm David Sharp," said David.

"I'm Aaliyah Miller, and this is Rachel Key," Aaliyah said, saying Rachel's name as well, much to Rachel's delight since she was shy.

The rest of the drive was pretty uneventful, the whole car sat in awkward silence while the truck screeched and clanked as they went about the roads. At one point they nearly hit a deer, David muttered cuss words under his breath while Aaliyah screamed them. Aaliyah then went on to David on how he should slow down and watch where he's going. Eventually coming up on the roller rink, a small little place with nothing too special, but a famous spot for teens since there wasn't much here in Avantura. They paid intuition and walked in, grabbing some skates in exchange for one of their shoes until they later when they returned the skates. Rachel went right in, doing spins and tricks she picked up after years and years of going there. She even picked up the name Roller Rink Rachel after a while. Her mom used to take her at least once a week so everyone who worked there knew her name. Her mom...

"Alright, stop showing off," Rachel turned her head towards the voice, seeing David who was at the railing hanging on for dear life. He then got a little brave and started to roll away from it, only to land on his butt.

"Put your heels closer together and your toes further apart and step," Rachel instructed. David obeyed and got a lot farther but still landed on his butt every ten feet, then taking five minutes to get up successfully, falling a lot in the process.

Rachel laughed, "here just take my hand," realizing what she said she felt blood rush to her face.

David then looked up with a smirk, "smooth."

Rachel, trying to fix her mistake, stood up straight to look confident, "Fine if you don't want my help, have fun getting up," she said trying to hide her embarrassment.

They skated for hours. Soon a cycle developed; David falls, Aaliyah laughs, Rachel gives pointers, David refuses to listen, David falls again, it was really enjoyable. After a while, Aaliyah got soft pretzels, nachos, and candy for them to eat when it came close to dinner. Aaliyah ate the majority, David was a close second, and Rachel just took some pieces now and then, actually wanting to have a real dinner later.

"Where do you two go to school?" David said with his mouth full of the hotdog he just bought along with their unhealthy feast, which he didn't fail to tell was his favorite food.

"Avantura High," she said, sharing the same disgusted look Rachel had on her own face aimed towards David's chewed hotdog on display.

"Oh really? That's where I'm going," David said, looking excited, "can I sit with you all tomorrow? Since I don't know anyone."

"Yea, sure," Aaliyah answered.

Rachel and Aaliyah often sat alone, and Rachel figured he'll probably leave after a while, they weren't very exciting to people who didn't know their inside jokes.

"Cool, thanks," David said, "but, I'm just wondering, what do you guys think about conspiracy theories?"

Rachel never really thought about them much. They were just kind of, there, "I don't know much about them, and don't really have an opinion."

"Well, you're going to find out, I am an expert," David said proudly.

"Expert? How can you be an expert on things not scientifically proven?" Aaliyah shot.

"You'll see tomorrow, but I gotta head to my uncle's house soon, he doesn't know I stayed with you guys and probably thought I ran away with his truck," he said, rolling his eyes.

With that, they headed out, putting their skates back and getting their shoes on. Rachel thanked the owner, Emmie, and told her to tell Sloane, Emmie's daughter who was five years older than Rachel, hi. The three packed back into the car and headed to Aaliyah's house, where Rachel and Aaliyah would be dropped off. After getting there they gave David gas money and headed inside.

Upon getting there, Aaliyah's three older brothers were at the dinner table. Parker was the oldest who was 22, Isaac was the second oldest who was 20, Matt was the third oldest who was 19, and then there was Aaliyah who was 16, all with the same blond hair and brown eyes. These three have become Rachel's brothers through heart over time. Rachel loved their relationship with Aaliyah, they wrestled and included her in games but were extremely overprotective of her when it came to boys or people making fun of her in some way. Rachel had her own brother, his name was Benjamin, or Benji, who was only 1, he sat in between them in a high chair. Benji shared her black hair and bright blue eyes. He was a quiet baby, he just liked to observe. The Miller brothers have been acting like Benji's own, they loved each other. The Millers have become Benji and her's family in a way. 

Aaliyah's parents were out on their date night that they have once a month. The kids usually play games together while they're gone. Mr. and Mrs. Miller's date night was their game night.

The three Miller boys broke into laughter at Benji, who slapped his hand down when Rachel and Aaliyah came in, sending a spoon flying across the room.

"Hey, bubbas," said Aaliyah as she and Rachel grabbed a plate of spaghetti and joined them at the table.

December 21, 2012Where stories live. Discover now