Cold (Ben x Reader)

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Prompt: if you're taking requests please could you do a fluffy ben fic when he's taking care of you when you're stressed/sick or something aksksk idk lots of love! 

A/N: So I got this request on my Tumblr!! Please keep requesting!!

You groaned as your eyes blearily opened. It was 7 AM, far too early to be waking up on a Sunday, but something had pulled you out of your deep slumber. Someone was pounding your brain. With a Jackhammer. While hitting a bass drum. As well as the war going on in your head, you nose was all stuffed up, you honestly couldn't breathe, your mouth gaping open like a fish. You never realised how much you valued breathing through your nose, until your ability to do so was gone. And, to cap it all off, your stomach was performing an Olympic grade gymnastics routine. Not enough to make you throw up, only enough to feel like it. As the throbbing in your head got louder, you let out a pitiful whine, tears springing to your eyes.

"Mhm, Babe? You right?" a groggy voice from next to you asked. You gasped slightly, you had forgotten your boyfriend was still sleeping.

"Ben, I'm fine, go-go back to sleep."  you muttered.

"You don't sound fine." he said, sitting up to get a better look at you. He immediately frowned as he took in your pale appearance. "What's wrong?" he asked.  You slowly sat up, dizziness overtaking you. A cool hand was placed on your forehead and you sighed contently at the cool touch, groaning in annoyance as it went away.

"Babe, you're burning up, what's wrong?" You began describing all your symptoms, tears falling down your cheeks and your body shaking from the fever. 

"I now know what the Master felt like in the third season of the new Doctor Who." you muttered angrily. Ben chuckled sympathetically before kissing your temple and engulfing you in a hug.

"I'm just gonna go to the shops and get some things, alright" he said softly, minding your headache. You nodded as he then got changed and left.

It had been around thirty minutes since Ben had left. In that time, you had a shower, got dressed in some clean pyjamas and gotten back into bed. Not much, but you barely walk without groaning in pain, so for your condition it had been a productive morning. You wallowed in self pity, cursing your co-worker who had been sick the week before. This was his fault. You were going to smash his computer as soon as you got back to work. You were planning on how best to total his car when the door opened and Ben came in with a bag of groceries.

"How you feeling Babe?" He asked you concerned. You just glared at him. "Don't worry, I'll look after you." He pulled a electric thermometer out of the bag and placed it against your head. 

"38.0, not too bad but could be better." He then proceeded to pull cough syrup and fever medication out, as well as a spray to help your blocked nose. He also pulled out some chicken noodle soup, and a teddy bear. You felt your eyes well up with tears as you took the teddy bear from him and hugged it tight. Ben laughed as he prepared your medicine. You grimaced as you took it, the medicine leaving a bitter taste on your tongue.

"I can fix that." Ben said softly as he pressed a kiss to his lips. He tasted sweet, like honey, or sugar. "Anything else Babe?" he asked, stroking your hair back.

"Just stay with me." you whispered drowsily, the medicine taking effect. He smiled and climbed into bed, holding you close and rubbing your back as you both fell asleep.

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