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The dim morning light faded into the condensed room, the light only just hitting the other end of the room were a single bed was stationed. opposite the bed was an open window, were the only known source of light had come from, a pair of thick grey curtains stood heavy drawn to expose the morning glow. the only their piece of furniture that could fit into the small room was a wad robe and nightstand the nightstand was in need of polishing and the wardrobe hinges creaked as the rust formed over it. The carpet of the room was a faded brown colour, it felt oddly sticky -almost as if it was never bothered to be cleaned- being well worn down from the restless nights the occupants of the room had spent here. The walls themselves weren't in the best condition either. An old 1920's wallpaper was on its last legs, slowly peeling of in places with many  scratched holes in, leaving a badly plastered wall to be seen. The beds mattress was extremely thin you could almost say it was anorexic, the feel of the cold springs poked through giving the matres an uncomfortable lumpy feel to it, the bed sheets where an off white color with the duvet and pillowcases matching the ensemble had seen well past its best days with holes staring to rip open and the pillowcases starting to fray. Apart from the fact that the place looked grungy, it was surprisingly had some standard of cleanliness to it as, no cobwebs were to be seen lingering about the room.

The Already occupied bed contained the slumbering body of a woman. From her features you could only hazard a guess that she was a young adult (perhaps around halfway through her university studies) her skin was a pale white likely due to the possibility that she spent allot of her time indoors and her hair was a medium shade of brown with darker Brown highlights in her hair. Her hair was also thick, and formed waves down to he shoulder blades. She didn't snore, but breathed in softly as she turned over her lashes fluttering as her eyes snapped open.

The bed didn't feel right, it poked the woman all over her side. As she wandered if she had been the subject of some form of a prank, her eyes adjusted to the light reveling the shabby old room. She blinked a few more times to check if she was just still dreaming.But nothing changed, she rubbed her eyes and sat up, the expression on her face was confused-if not a little scared-  as she slid out of the bed, her feet squelching into the carpet repulsing her slightly. she scratched the back of her head as she began to look around the room (not like their was much to look at anyway) noticing a small handwritten note on the nightstand the note had been written from an old scrap piece of paper torn from a notebook . She carefully picked up the note, her eyes scanning the note from left to right, taking in the information the paper had written on it.

Please may you come to the lobby as soon as you have woken up, there are a few change of clothes in the wardrobe (we had to guess your size so sorry if they don't fit properly) if you haven't risen by midday somebody will come and get you. all will be explained soon.

so I'm not dreaming the woman thought, placing the note back down before pacing herself over to the wardrobe heaving the wardrobe open as it creaked in agony. Inside contained a small pile of clothes a pair of shoes and a large rucksack. she took out the objects and placed them carefully on the bed. She first checked the shoes to see if they were her size which to her surprise they did, they was a pair of plain black canvas trainers-nothing too special-and they weren't damaged they just smelled a bit like sweaty feet. Her eyes moved to the rucksack. It was fairly standard, one most people would use for camping lifting the bag she noticed it had some weight to it so set it back on the bed and unzipped the top compartment. Inside contained a Swiss army knife the kind the woman had seen thugs from her old secondary school used to cheat money out of the younger kids with as well as a torch lighter and an empty flask. shame i could do with some green tea thought the woman as she set it back in the bag. she zipped the front compartment and unzipped the lower one however the only thing that was in the compartment was a pocket sized book called 'a quick guide to survival by Clementine Lee' .

After having a quick flick through the book which displayed diagrams on how to catch and cook your own food in the wilderness and other useful information on how to survive the outdoors, she paid her attention to the window.Most days she woke up late and would usually hear the hustle and bustle of the people of London in the late hour of the morning but today it was silent, still almost. Almost as if everybody was too lazy to do anything or go anywhere today and decided to have an extra couple hours in bed. Nobody was outside, there wasn't even any cars it was like London had fallen to rubble overnight leaving the morning  to morn over what was the streets of England's capital.

Her final attention was drawn to the pile of clothes, she unfolded it all and laid it out on the bed. The pile consisted of a few tops a dress and a pair of black leggings. she picked out a sleeveless blouse that was of a sea blue colour with a embellished white collar to wear with the leggings and the canvas trainers. She put everything else back in the wardrobe this time including her PJ's that she had previously been wearing and turned towards the door. she had so many question why am i here? What happened? Has everybody in the whole of London taken today off? The questions stirred round in her head she was anxious to leave the room. Who knew what was at the other side? The fact that nobody was around was also a worrying thought; she thought if it would be better if she waited till midday instead of leaving the room in search of other people - needless to say she was frightened- she tucked her hair behind her ear and took a deep breath taking another look out of the window into London's grey muggy streets. There was still nobody around there wasn't even any pigeons swooping around the place causing havoc among the street. She had no idea of the time or even how long it would be until somebody came to her (that is if she wasn't alone) and settled on the idea of going down the lobby as the note instructed.

The hallway was dimly lit and was slightly difficult to see even in the daylight, a light on one end of the corridor flickered on , then off, then on, then off again. The woman quietly paced herself down the corridor her thumbs tucked into her fingers as she walked. She came to the end of the corridor which led of into two directions, a faded bronze sign stated that if she went left she would end up in the lobby ad if she turned right she would find herself in another corridor  of doors leading to more rooms.  Almost a soon as she turned left her eyes met with a horrible fate. Part of the corridor wall leading to the lobby had collapsed exposing one of the hotel rooms. Sandwiched between the piles of rubble was the corpse of a man. as soon as the woman had seen it her stomach churned causing her to double over and throw up the what was left of her last dinner. His skin was a pale grey his eyes had heavy bags under them his hair was wispy and cut short, a spatter of blood was around the derby were the man had been squashed . The woman could only feel sorrow for him as she stood back up he had a life, perhaps even a family and all to be taken away from him in a freak accident cutting him down in his prime.

However the body of the man started to move as if it came back to life.  it lifted its head up looking at the woman before slowly lifting up his arms to try and grab the woman. The woman jumped back, terrified. What is that thing? she thought her stomach still on edge. Suddenly a thought grew in her head the thought crept and lingered in her head then pounced with a vengeance. 

what if, what if the thing standing before me- was a Zombie?

That was the moment when she knew that the end of the world had begun.

****************CHAPTER ONE END****************

A/N Hello again! welcome to the end of chapter 1. I'm a little stuck on what to do next i was thinking something along the lines of:

A: the Woman going back to the room she woke in to collect the things in the cupboard (and the Swiss army knife which she could use on the zombie)

B: If she tries to look in the other rooms to see if she can find anyone who could help her and tell her whats going on

any feedback would be appreciated thanks for reading :D Also don't worry i will be giving the woman a name- I'm just still thinking of one XL

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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