She is only a baby

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"Dad I am hungry, can we go down to the  feast please." I ask Dad. "Of course we can princess." we leave to head down to dinner. As we enter I drag Dad to the front where the staff table is set. We sit next to father. As we eat the scrumshis meal the House Elfs made for us I think. 'Will Dad go by Professor Snape or Professor Dumbledore.' "Dad?" Yes Princess?" "Will you be going by Professor Snape or Professor Dumbledore?" "I have not thought about that Professor Dumbledore I guess." ""OK so Professor Dumbledore is Father, Dad, Aunt Minerva, Uncle Abaforth, Roseanne and James. I can't wait till I am Professor Dumbledore 7." At that Dad and Father laughs. "is there really that many of us?" "Yea, looks like it." 'Yawn' "Looks like someone is tired.""No I am wide awake. Can I go to the library?" "Of-course lets go." "Dad you do realize you want be able to follow me around everywhere." I say heading to the library. As I read I feel sleep slip over me. As my eyes close I slip into a dreamless sleep.

(Severus P.O.V)

I look up from my book to see Y/n had fallen asleep. I close my book and get up. I walk over to were Y/N is asleep. I pull the book out of her hands. I pick her up and walk to the room. I put her onto her bed. "Good night Princess!!" I walk out of her room. "Is she asleep already?" Albus asked from behind me. I nod. " she fell asleep in the libery." I say.

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