Allura loved it. "I love it. Thank you." Allura responded. Colleen smiled, "Katie's is right next to your's. To your right, if your going out." She turned toward Coran gesturing him to follow her. "And yours is right here." She said going to the door in front of Allura's room. Also opening the room for him.

 Also opening the room for him

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"Thank you so much." Coran said looking around in the room. "Glad you like it." She smiled at him. "WWHHHAAAAA!!!!" Akira started to cry. Akio was starting to fuzz around. "Well that is the dinner bell for them." Allura said walking up to Colleen with a smile. "Well, good thing I came just in time." Pidge said with her hands full of bags from the little lions. She opened the door to her room and set her things in the middle.

 She opened the door to her room and set her things in the middle

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(Lets just change the carpet and sofa into a green color)

~Pidge pov~ 

 "It's good to be back." I said as I look around. Sure its cleaner than I left it, but it's still the same. Coran passes Akio to Allura. "I'll go back down and see what I can help bring up." He says. Then leaves the room.

"Here let me see my little trouble maker." I say to my mother. Akira stops crying when she gets her food. As soon as she gets full she starts to close her eyes. I hand her carefully to Allura, as my mom holds Akio for his turn. Since Akira still doesn't know mom I don't want her to get scared and not sleep.

Akio fell asleep half way of his meal. "Well there goes a good nights rest." I say to both woman as they watch them sleep. I hand Akio to mom, as I pull up my blouse. "I hope you get some rest for tomorrow. Also, where are they going to sleep?" Allura asked. "I'm pretty sure we still have yours and your brothers crib. We have to check out the attic." Colleen said softly. I smile and nod. "So do you mind telling me what happened out there." Colleen asked sitting down on a chair. I sighed and explained everything. 

~Time skip~(10 pm)(brought to you by the Little Lions sleeping)~3rd pov~ 

It was finally time to sleep. Allura and Coran had already settled in. Sam and Shiro had gone to  the attic to find the cribs. Fortunately, they were still well preserved. They set them up in Katie's room and the Little Lions had stayed asleep. Colleen had given the Alteans a tour.  Everyone ate dinner happily and left toward their room. 

"Do you want to talk about what happened at the Galaxy Garrison?" Katie asked as she sat on top of her bed. Shiro sighed getting a chair, putting it in front of her and sitting on it. He held her hands looking into her eyes. 

"She...she was a girlfriend before Kerberos." Pidge held in a breath. Now realizing that she was the reason for Adam crying. "W-why did you never tell me?" Katie asked her cracking a little. 

 "I recently remembered...a few hours ago. We had a fight before I left. It was pretty big and had not talked since... at least until today. I think she thought that we were still going to be together." Shiro said looking at her hands that he held tightly. 

"D-do you still have f-feelings for her?" Katie stuttered, looking away, afraid of the response. Shiro kissed the back of her hands. Tears were starting to fall from her eyes. Shiro quickly wiped them away and made her look at him. 

"Not in the way that your thinking. No." He said with a smile knowing that she was thinking of the worse. He got up and hugged her, burring his face in her neck. She hugged him back. "Don't ever think that I will ever leave you. I promise." He said tightening his hold on her. 

"Is she going to be alright?" Katie asked. "Yeah, it will take her some time but she will be fine." He said lifting himself. He then leans in to kiss her. She quickly responses back, but were quickly interrupted by a crying Akio.   

~Pidge Pov~

"I knew he was going to wake up hungry." I said going to pick up Akio to feed him again. "This is what happens when you don't eat the exact amount your supposed to and fall right asleep." I said throwing him up in the air, making him stop crying and start to giggle. Akira also waking up started to get jealous of her brother getting their moms attention, crawl to the edge of the crib and cried out loud. Shiro quickly got her, laying her down in his arm. She quickly fell asleep seeing that her father was there. 

"We should take them out to an Amusement Park. You know like after the meeting tomorrow " He said after a while of looking at them sleep. I put Akio in his crib slowly. "We should. They can get to know my parents, but lets get some sleep first." I said with a yawn. 

We both settled in the bed as he pulled me close to him. "I love you." He said kissing my forehead. "Love you too." I said finally letting sleep overtake me.

~Shiro pov~

Seeing her fall asleep in my arms is so comforting. I know I shouldn't have lied to her about Adam. But it was the only way to get her to calm down. Adam is not going to let this go. She is one to hold a grudge...for life. I gotta be careful when she is around. Hopefully she does move on.


THANK YOU for reading this story for those that have kept reading. 

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