Chapter 27

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I'm standing underneath the podium, completly tunning out of the crowds crys and gasps as blake and soph explain whats going on, till i hear blake anouce 'as youll all know destiny faith king our true queen died at the younge age of 16 in a bttle as she died saving this country and as im sure your all aware now why weve brought all the kingdoms together is because we cant fight this evil, so my soulmate the queen who has been watching over all of us is back, she made the dead forrest grow again to protect us and shes going to become my wife when this wars over she is also going to be stepping in as mother to my children as Queen sophia suggested herself, Destiny changed our country and she is the most amazing person so when she was given a chance to come back to life and sve us all again fromt the rising darkness she took it, so i present to you all Queen Destiny Faith King our true queen of all the lands' he shouts and i hear bewiderd gasps and i spet out in my long black strapless dress were the bust is encursted with dimonds the chiffon skirt flows down to touch the ground and trails out behind me hiding my diamond encrusted platform peeptoe pumps and i have and array of rings on my rist and little diamonds stringed into my curly hair thats tumbling down my back with my smokey balck eyes and dangley black chanderlier earings with ruby red lips and my green eyes blazing with passion as i walk onto the stage hearing gasps as sophia places the crown on my head and bows down and mutters my queen she smiles happily at me and i return it as i look at the royals sitting behind me as blake kisses my cheek and hands me the microfone and i turn to face the baffled crowd, i exhaleand muster up what left over confidence i have i anounce in a suprislinly steady tone 'My people, as im sure you all know i died fifteen yrs ago when i deafeated my father, well because of the prophecie i wasnt aloud to fully die, when one dies they go to the in between were they are given the choice between living and staying dead, but i didnt get a choice so i was stuck in the in between were i watched over you all and protected you, but i recently saw a great evil rising so i was sent back hear alive to defeat the evil for my people except if i get killed in battle this time i die for real im gone completly if i dont then i get to live again forever till i die a natural death' i say beaming as the crowd cheers defen me i begin again 'So when i came back sophia asked me to take back my rightful place as the queen and blakes wife aswell as be the mother of her children, which i excepted and am proud to say im back, i have already advised a plan and for now we are all safe and i can assure you all wiether i die or not i wont let any harm come to my people' i say and the sun seems to shine alittle brighter, i felt as though a weight was lifted off my shoulders as i scan the happy crowd my eyes spot a lanky teen and before i know what im doing i scream down the microfone 'guards brinhim to me' and they push through the crowd that part to see what im talking about as they drag the terrifyed isacc up to the stage, whos now sobbing i reach down and pull him onto the stage i drop the microfone as i drop to my knees and look at him i hug him tightl whispering its okay sweety im right hear, i look at him seriously and ask 'why did you leave' giving him alook to tell him he btter tell the truth and he whimpers and i frown and he whispers 'Princess detiny told me if i didnt leave shed kill me' and i felt anger i didnt know i had and i knew my face had turned murderous as i picked him up and shoved him into alice arms i turned around to face the startled royal family gripping the microfone,

Wasn't Meant To Be ContainedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ