Chapter 4

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An explosion erupted out of the ground, sending dirt flying up into the air. Immediately people apparated left right and center, cradling loved ones in their arms. I was in shock, not able to move. My limbs were paralised. I was a heap of wedding dress and tears all over the ground. Ron was crying too, but not like I was. He was trying to get me off the ground. His lips were moving but nothing seemed to be coming out of them. I could only hear the dull 'boom' of explosions, which seemed to get louder. I yanked my shoes off my feet as Ron pulled my up onto him. I latched onto his chest and didn't let go. Back at Hogwarts, out of the three of us, I would've been the one to get us out of there, but I was caught off guard. My wedding day. Ruined. The tears came flowing again.

It's a repeat of Fleur and Bill's wedding. I collapsed completely onto Ron, giving him my full weight and sobbing loudly into his tuxedo. He tried to calm me with soothing words, but the tears wouldn't stop.

Author's note: I realize that took a bit of a turn but I needed to make it interesting. Thoughts?

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