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My natural alarm clock woke me up at the crack of dawn but I couldn't care! I let out quite an unmanly squeal, I'm going on a date with my hot neighbor. Okay not really a date. When I glanced at my clock I think I got a glimpse of 6 am. I sleep a lot and have a messed up sleeping schedule, sometimes i wake up at 6am or 1pm.

I love my sleep! No one comes between me and my sleep.

There was a sudden meow "what do you think of all this Phoebe?" I asked reaching out and holding up my cat who just hopped onto the foot of my bed. Phoebe is a Turkish Van, she was white all over but her crown, as well as her ears and tail, was ginger. My father gave her to me when I first moved in, she was an adorable energetic kitten and now she has become lazy and spoilt, but I still love her of course.

She meowed at me and I swear she was giving me a deadpan expression. I sighed "yeah you only love me 'coz I feed you." I placed her down and went to the kitchen.

Phoebe kneads my leg with her head probably telling me to hurry up.

I left the fussy thing to eat while I went and showered. Since I'm in the shower it got me thinking, how will today work out. I mean its not really a date because he said lunch, but what if he cancels? I shake my head he wouldn't do that. I mean we have only known each other for what? almost a month? I like him a lot and I know he does too. I huff closing the shower tap, I don't want my water bill to be too extravagant this month.

By the time I was out the shower the sky was a grey-blue because of how early it was. Phoebe jumped onto the window sill threading her self through the thin gap and hopping on to the fire escape climbing up the metal stairs. Disappearing off on her own adventure but will return in a few hours looking to be fed. I grab the needed necessities, wallet, keys, phone, bag and a slice of cake.


"Now see here, active and passive? 'I sit on the chair, the chair was sat on by me.'" I point to the kids' styled worksheet with my pen.

"Ohh!" Oli the 11-year old says, mouth full of cake.

"Mm! Good, so what would this sentence be?" I ask looking back at him after reading the sentence. My student was quiet for a bit so I read out the sentence for him.

'Jim watered the flowers'

Oli pouts his lips "ermm the...flowers were watered by Jim?" He says his voice going quieter as it neared the end of the sentence and he looked at me his face wincing and unsure. I nod my head with a proud smile "yes! thats right well done! Finish your piece of cake then we can go onto your next piece of homework." He nods griping his fork and scoffing down his food. I reorganize his school bag and flip file, from math, English, and English literacy.

"These sentences are easy! He swings his legs under the dining room table.

I chuckle to myself, "well then ask your teacher for a bit more of a challenge and we can do them together next week okay?" I patted his shoulder and he gives me a big toothy grin.

"thank you so much, Flynn, for helping him." Suddenly Oli's mom appearing from behind us startling the both of us. "Mrs. Kornfeld, its a pleasure." I smiled at her.

"No seriously his grades have shot up after all your tutoring lessons so thank you very much."

I was really happy to hear that, I didn't know what to say so I just said thank you and that that meant a lot to me, which is true. I love doing this.

His mom hugged her son and kissed all over his cheeks and she told him how proud she is of him.

I smiled at the sweet scene in front of me. I pack up my papers and stationary back into my leather bag. I said goodbye to Oli before he disappeared up to his room. His mother and I exchanged goodbyes and thank yous, she paid me and I gave her a warm smile before leaving their welcoming house.

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